Saturday, December 31, 2011
Bennet cites Colorado examples in Senate plea for health-care reform - Business First of Columbus:
Coloradans, he said, "speak for countless others acrossdthe nation. All they ask for is a healtuh care system that works for a health care systemthat doesn’t crush them with unreasonable cost and a health care system that doesn’t deny them coveragew just because they have pre-existingh conditions." Bennet, D- Colo., also touted his own proposala to make patient transition care more cost-effective and successful. "In Colorado, we haven’t waiteds on Washington," he said. "We’ve made real progresx in showing how to provide high quality health care at alowefr cost.
" Bennet, formerly superintendent of the Denve Public Schools, was appointed to the Senate by Gov. Bill Ritter to fill the seat vacated by Ken Salazaer when Salazar was picked by President Baracko Obama as secretary ofthe Interior. Here is the full text of Bennet'sd Senate-floor speech as prepared for delivery Thursday, provide by his staff. In the speech, he is addressing the president ofthe Mr. President, I rise today to discuss the urgentg need for healthcare reform. The people of and the American people, have waited for too long for Washingtomnto act. We should begin with a basiv principle: if you have coverag and you like it, you can keep it.
If you have your and you like himor her, you shoulf be able to keep them as We will not take that choice away from you. But even as we keep what we must confront the challenges of soarinb health care costs and the lack of access to qualityhealth care. The status quo is Every day, families in Colorado and acrosas America facerising premiums. Their plans offee fewer benefits. They are denied coverage becausrof pre-existing conditions. And until we fix the health care we won’t be able to fix the fiscap mess in which we find ourselves. Since the share of healthcare as a part of the GDP has gone from 7 percentf to17 percent.
The United Statesw spends over $2 trillion in health care costs, including over $400 billion on Medicare alone. President Obama has said that the biggestg threat toour nation’s balance sheet is the skyrocketing cost of health And he’s right. In Colorado, we haven’t waited on Washington. We’ve made real progress in showing how to provide high qualitu health care at alower cost. Last the New Yorker magazine published an articlwentitled “The Cost Conundrum” that highlights the important work that’s been done in Mesa Colorado.
Over thirty years ago this communitgyserving 120,000 people came together—doctors, and the non-profit health insurance company. They agreed upon a system that paid doctors and nurses for seeing patients and producing betterquality care. They realized that problems and costd go down when care ismore patient-focused. In Mesa County, the city of Grandr Junction implemented an integrated health care systemj thatprovides follow-up care with patients. This follow-up care has helpeds lower hospital readmissions rates in Granx Junction to just3 percent.
Compar that to the 20 percent rate nationwide, and it is cleatr that our community on the Westerbn Slope of Colorado is ontosomething groundbreaking. High readmissiobn rates are a huge problemn forour seniors. Nearly one in five Medicare patientd who leave a hospital are readmittede within thefollowing month, and more than three-quartersa of these readmissions are preventable. Rehospitalization costs Medicarweover $17 billion a year. It’s painful for patientw and families to be caught up in these cycledof treatment. All too often, care is fragmentedx – you go from the doctor, to the to a nursing home, back to the hospital and then back to thedoctor again.
Patients are given medicatiom instructions as they are leavinygthe hospital, many times aftedr coming off of strong They don’t know whom to call, and they are not sure what to ask theif primary care doctor. The both our Denver and Mesa County health communitiedshave found, is to provide patients leaving the hospitakl with a “coach.” This coach is a trainef health professional connecting home and the hospital. This coac h teaches patients how to manage their health ontheird own.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Bad table manners - New York Daily News
New York Daily News | Bad table manners New York Daily News Some Muslim community leaders plan to boycott an interfaith breakfast with Mayor Bloomberg on Friday to protest what they view as invasive policing by the NYPD's anti-terrorism squad. âWe believe with heartfelt conviction that during times when a ... |
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
TEP Games and Conduit Announce Partnership to Bring NFLPA Officially Licensed ... - MarketWatch (press release)
TEP Games and Conduit Announce Partnership to Bring NFLPA Officially Licensed ... MarketWatch (press release) As part of the partnership, TEP is launching NFL Players Association-branded browser apps, mobile apps and toolbars to help keep fans engaged with their favorite players. The initial launch of the NFL Players Lifestyle App (PLA's) for Android devices, ... | < /tr>
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Losses shrink at Onvia - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The company, which provides informatio n on government contractsto businesses, said sales for the thirdc quarter that ended Sept. 30 were $2.6 million, up more than 40 perceny from $1.8 million in third-quarter 2002. The companhy showed a net lossof $1.3 million, compared to $3.1 milliobn in the same period of 2002. For the year'x first nine months, sales were $7.2 millionm and losses were $5.2 million. In 2002, salesx in the period were $5.1 million and losseds were $26.6 million. Onvia's cash reserves shrank from $35 millio n at the end of last yearto $24.
2 milliob at the end of Chairman and CEO Mike Pickettg said the company is hiring additional saled staffers and managers to try to boostt sales still further. The company has founrd a tenant for 19 percenyt of its vacant headquartersofficd space, which will save Onvia some $560,000 next year. Onviqa still has 56,000 square feet of spacew thatstands empty.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Amgen takes back one of three South S.F. buildings - San Francisco Business Times:
one of three structures that Amgen listed with brokerag Kidder Mathews for sublease inAugusgt 2007. The other two buildings, 331 and 333 Oystet Point Blvd. — a combined 275,000 square feet are still availablefor lease. On Jan. 26, Amgen reportedf a 6 percent increase inadjustecd fourth-quarter earnings, matching Wall Street but said it expected a modest 4 percent earninge growth in 2009 as the company prepares to launch a new, potentially osteoporosis drug. Amgen is on the hook for a 15-yearf lease on the space. Gilead has completed its $137.t5 million acquisition of 301 Velocityu Way inFoster City.
The purchase includes a 163,000-square-fooft building as well as 30 acres of entitled development land, which is slatex to become the biotech firm’s new expanded headquarters. The selled was , a digital printin g company. Michel Seifer and Robert Dmytryko of representedthe seller. In September, the Businesss Times reported that Gilead planned to double its campuwsfrom 629,000 square feet to 1.2 million square adding an additional 1,900 employeesd over the next 10 years. A week after slashing prices by 15 percent at the Millennium Tower at 333Mission St. in San has put seven more unitainto contract, including a 59th floor penthous for $10.2 million.
The bursrt of activity follows three months duringy which sales activity at the Millennium was at a a slowdown that prompted the developer to cut prices for all The 15 percent reductions also apply to unit s already in contract prior to theprice cut. “Sop far so good,” said Richard Baumert, managingy director of Millennium Partners. “We had closee to 20 people a daythrough — we couldn’f accommodate everybody.” The 5,555-square-foot penthouses that went into contract is 59A, half of the 59th The other six units range from a low of $626,000 to a high of $2.6 million, with an averaged price of $1.5 million.
With the 15 percent the buyer of59A — a woman who askerd not to be identified — savecd $1.8 million. “This person very much wantecd to be inthe building,” said A Pleasanton couple leased a 17,000-square-fooyt warehouse at 6902 Patterson Pass Road, Suite J, in Livermorre to open the East Bay’s first franchiswe of UNITS Mobile Storage. Rick and Donnaz Topp opened the franchise after Rick Topp was laid offfrom ’sw former San Francisco office. The new brancb offers portable containers that individuals or business can rent for temporart storage at the warehouse or on The most popular 16 feet, can hold furniture and items from a 1,500-square-foogt home.
The economic downturn has helped the business, Donna Topp said, because many people are in transitionj when renovating their homes or moving to smallerd homes. Contractors also need to secure materials on a job The couple chose Livermore for its centrapl location within the East Bay and reasonable leasing DonnaTopp said. Michael Lloyd of ’s Pleasantom office representedthe leasee. Mark Dowling of represented the managed by Tom Wagner of HarvestProperty
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
bizjournals: Colorado metros set income pace for the U.S.
The past two decades have been very good to Boulder andFort Colo. Income levels in the two adjacent metropolitam areas in northern Colorado have grown with a strengtu and consistency unmatched anywhere inthe nation, according to a new studgy by American City Business Journals (ACBJ). Annual incomeds for typical residents of Bouldert and Fort Collins grew by more than 180 percenf between 1982 and the latest year for whic official figuresare available.
The two metros streakefd far ahead of the corresponding national pace of 159 But the study considered much more than the overallk growth rate forthe 20-year It also looked at local performancea over 19 shorter spans, seekinh to identify those metro areas that enjoyede consistently strong rates of income growth. ( ACBJ focusedr on per capita income (PCI), the average amounr of money earned by each resident of a specifiedd metropolitan area duringa year. It analyzed PCI fluctuations in 170 areae with 2002 populationsof 250,000 or The two Colorado metros set a strong pace during most of the studh period, each outperforming the national rate of income growthh 18 times out of 20.
Boulder took firstt place with a scoreof 35.52 points, followed by Fort Collinzs at 32.52. Any score above zero indicates that an area did bettert than thenational average. Boulder, the home of the Universityg of Colorado, has experienced a population boomsince 1980, nearly doublingt the size of its workforce. Income levelxs have been pushed higher by a dramatic increase in high-tech employment and wages. Boulder addedr 17,000 jobs during the 1990s in the field of professional andbusinesw services, a category that includes software development, data-processingg services and computer rentap and leasing. Rounding out the top five are Conn.; Santa Cruz, Calif.; and Boston.
All threde of these runners-up had bette 20-year growth rates than the two Coloradmetros did, topping 190 percent. But they failefd to match the year-to-year consistency of Boulder andFort Collins. ACBJ' list reflects the acceleration ofthe Sunbelt's economy since the beginningg of the 1980s. Eight of the 10 metro s that posted the bestscores -- and 16 of the 25 leaderxs -- are in the South or the Among the Sunbelt metros in the top 25 are San Diego; Charleston, S.C.; Houston; Columbus, Ga.; Memphis; Miss.; and Nashville. At the bottomk of the rankingsis Mich., an aging industrial area that fell short of the nationalp rate of income growth everyg single year during the 20-yeat period.
Its overall rate of 121 percent was 38 percentagse points belowthe U.S. average. Also in the botto m five are Atlantic City, N.J.; Rockford, and the California metro of Stocktonand Modesto.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
“It seems like a pretty simplw business,” CEO Thomas Wintz said. “Theu made it complicated by making interest-only loans, alternative-A loans, and it didn’t work out.” That reciper helped Rosedale Federalgrow third-quarte r earnings by 10 percent from a year ago to $1.7 even as the national economy sank deepefr into recession. is on the other end of the spectrum. The Crofton bank is operating undeda cease-and-desist order after federapl officials found that the bank’s residentiall real estate lending was too Suburban has lost money since last year, goin g $4.5 million into the red in the third quarte alone.
Both troubles and bright spots aboune forGreater Baltimore’s 55 locally based which are at the center of a financial-systek crisis that many lifelong bankers say they have nevef seen the likes of. In the third 31 percent of local bank slost money, data shows. Some of the hardest-hit, like are seeing losses and past-due loans mount to levels that are cuttintg deeply intotheir capital. But even more local bankzs — 35 percent — grew theid earnings from a year ago. Many are thriftxs like Rosedale Federal that have strongy capital levelsand didn’t relax their lending standardas amid the mortgage boom.
At 100-year-ol Rosedale, which has eight branches and $600 millio in assets, loans stay on the books rather than beinyg bundled and soldto investors. “A 30-yeae loan is our problem until it’s paid Wintz said. Having to live with the consequencex keeps the bank conservative inits lending. Still, a simplde business model doesn’t mean life is easy. Bankse live on a narrow margin — the difference between the cost they pay for depositsa and other funding and the interest they earn on Competition for depositsis fierce, with some bank s jacking up rates to attract customers.
And loan demand has slowee as finances or fear keep borrowers on the made a profitof $211,000 in the thirs quarter after taking a loss to close out a pension fund a year ago. Despits the thrift’s niche in residential real estate lending, less than 0.1 percenft of its loans are noncurrent, meaning the loan is 90 days past due or the bank does not expecffull payment. “I won’t tell you things are wonderful, but we are holding our own,” said Hamiltonn Federal PresidentRobert DeAlmeida, whose bank has $223 million in assets.
With few homebuyers looking for Hamilton Federal has been buying loans from banks that are unloadinv assets toraise money, he Rosedale and Hamilton Federal have capital to spare, meaninhg they don’t need the shot of money coming to bankws under the U.S. Treasury Department’s Troubled Asset Relief Hamilton has a nearly 25 perceny ratio of capitalto assets, adjusted for risk more than double what it takes to rank as For other banks, raising capitaol is job one. Suburban Federal’s ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets has plummetedcto 3.09 percent; a ratioo below 8 percent leaves a bank More than 11 percen t of the bank’s loans are noncurrent.
Thosw factors have Suburban “exploring all options” to raise capital, includingy selling the bank, CEO Bob Morrisom Jr. said. Dutch insurancwe giant has applied to regulators for a thrift charterf so it could potentially buy the Several banks and other companies have expressed interest inbuying Suburban, Morrison said, declining comment on specific “Suburban Federal has been a real estate lendedr in this community for 53 years, and for 52 yeares our model worked beautifully,” said whose grandfather founded the bank. “We’re seeing what Alan Greenspan callerdthe 100-year tsunami, and it’w hit home.
” Owings Mills-based K Bank, which brought in recorx profits as real estate boomed, lost $2.9 million in the thirdf quarter. That was down from a $3.4 millioj loss in the second quarter. More than 6 percenty of the bank’s loans are noncurrent, but that droppe d from more than 7 percent aquarterr earlier. “We have taken steps to reducs our exposure to real estate and look for improvementyin 2009,” CEO David Wells Jr. said in an in Howard County lost $98,000 in the thircd quarter. The bank is well-capitalized, and its parent, , has appliex for $375 million in funding from theTARP program.
Columbi a Bank is focused on buildinhg up cash to cover potentiaol loan losses so it can handlre whatever theeconomy brings, CEO John A. Scaldarsa Jr. said. The bank’s reserves total nearly 100 percent of itsnoncurrengt loans. “I want to be an optimisti person, and I want to make sure we remainh positive,” Scaldara said, “but there is a possibilitt that things could deterioriate and trickle down further intothe economy.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Global turmoil boosts Smith & Wesson sales - bizjournals:
The Springfield, Massachusetts gun maker (Nasdaq: SWHC) recentl y secured a rare order from the Indiaq Police Force after terrorist s stormedMumbai hotels. With support from the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi and the , Smith Wesson secured an export license and began shippingv weaponsin June. In its fiscap fourth quarter, the company secured orders from several law enforcement agenciesain Mexico, whose drug-related violence is on the The company on Monday said net salezs for the fourth quarter that ended April 30 surgedd 20 percent to $99.5 million comparex with the year-ago period. Net income during the quarterewas $7.4 million, compared with $3.3 million in the year-earlier period.
Smith Wesson President and CEOMichael F. Golden said in a statement the results reflect a number of recordz forthe company, including for cash levels and unfillesd customer orders for firearms.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
No Choice: Florida Charter Schools Failing to Serve Students With Disabilities - StateImpact Idaho
KUNC | No Choice: Florida Charter Schools Failing to Serve Students With Disabilities StateImpact Idaho By John O'Connor and Sarah Gonzalez Tres Whitlock types on the DynaVox tablet that serves as his voice. Whitlock, 17, has cerebral palsy and can't speak on his own. Whitlock is trying to enroll in a Hillsborough County charter school, but has yet to ... Florida Charter Schools Failing Disabled Students |
Monday, December 12, 2011
Cable seeks entry into home-security business - The Seattle Times
Buffalo News | Cable seeks entry into home-security business The Seattle Times Some of the biggest cable companies â" including Comcast and Time Warner Cable â" are looking to use their broadband service to provide a home-security system that would protect your big-screen television, the couch in front of it and even the family ... Time Warner's local executive is more than a cable guy Zanesville resident receives top honors in Time Warner MVP program |
Friday, December 9, 2011
Christian County entities at odds over signs' maintenance - Springfield News-Leader
Christian County entities at odds over signs' maintenance Springfield News-Leader Ozark -- The Christian County Commission and 911 board apparently are at an impasse as to which entity will pay for maintenance and upkeep of highway signs in unincorporated areas of the county. County 911 Director Rance Duffy said in a news release ... |
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Cole & Weber says California's the future - Portland Business Journal:
"We plan to open another officdin California, although we have not yet made a decisioj as to which city," said Mike Cole & Weber co-president. The two contenderx are Los Angeles, where advertising seems to be on the andSan Francisco, the West Coast advertising hub that is stilkl suffering from a down economy. "In recent we've managed to win some new business down but we've had to work reallh hard to make it worth the travel," he said. "It'a really about being where thefish are." Cole Weber, an integrated communications firm, employes 15 people in Portland and 80 at its officwe in Seattle. The company reporteds revenue of $11.
4 million in the most recent year for which the information is Cole & Weber is the result of a collegiate triumvirate. University of Oregob chums Aryln Cole, Mac Wilkind and George Weber foundedCole & Weber in the depthss of the Great Depression in 1931. Cole Weber counted The OregoniajPublishing Co. as a client for decades until the 1990s. An earlier client, Boeing, led the firm to open an offics in Washingtonin 1939. Some of the namee on Cole & Weber's vintagew list of clients is a walk downmemory Omark, Pacific Northwest Bell and White More recent clients include: Tree Top, Rainiedr Beer, Nike Inc.
and the Port of Doherty said the company plans to maintaihn its local clients and its Seattlwe office willcontinue unchanged.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Mortgage rates jump - Kansas City Business Journal:
’s weekly report said that 30-yeae fixed-rate mortgages averaged 5.29 percent this the highest rate this year and up fromlast week’ss average of 4.91 percent. Rates stilkl remain well below year-ago levels, when 30-year mortgages averaged more than6 percent, Freddiwe Mac (NYSE: FRE) said. “Ratew caught up to the recen risein long-term bond yields this week to reach a 25-weekk high,” said Freddie Mac Chief Economist Franik Nothaft. “The slowdown in the housing market has now detractefd from economic growth for the past13 quarters, the longes t quarterly stretch since at leastt 1947.
” Despite rising rates, the housinv market continues to show smalol signs of life. The housing affordability index rose in April toits second-highest levelk since at least 1971. The NAR also reporter this week that pending salesd of existing homes increasex forthe third-consecutive month, posting the bigges t monthly increase since 2001.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Treasury limits bonuses at TARP recipients - Memphis Business Journal:
The new rules encourage those companies to award executives stock that must be held for a long periodxand can’t be entirely converted to cash untilk the TARP money is repaid to the That, the department contends, will aligmn “executives’ incentives with those of shareholders and Kenneth Feinberg, a mediator who led the September 11th Victijm Compensation Fund, will revieew payments and compensation plans at companies that have received “exceptional assistance.” The groulp includes Charlotte-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) as well as , , , Financial Services and .
TARP recipients also must allowq shareholders to vote on executive compensation And they must discloses any perks worth morethan $25,000 made to highly compensatedc employees and justify the The rules prohibit companies from providingt “gross-up” payments to senior executives to cover taxes due on Treasury Secretary Tim Geithne says the Obama administration also supportse legislation that would require all publivc companies to give shareholders a nonbinding vote on executive compensatio n packages.
In addition, he says Congres should give the Securities and Exchangde Commission the power to make compensation committees more similar to the standardws in place for audit committees established bythe Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Geithned blames executive compensation practices asa “contributingh factor” for the financial crisis. “Incentives for short-term gains overwhelmed the checks and balances meant to mitigate against the risk ofexcesd leverage,” he says. But, he adds, “We are not cappiny pay. We are not setting forth precise prescriptiond for how companies should set which can oftenbe counterproductive.
Instead, we will continuew to work to develolp standards that reward innovation and prudent without creatingmisaligned incentives.”
Thursday, December 1, 2011
PokerTek removes tables at Excalibur - Charlotte Business Journal:
PokerTek says the Excalibur terminated its agreement withthe Matthews-basef company. A PokerTek spokeswoman was unavailable to provide additional informationj on why the contractwas ended. The Excalibur was the company’w initial field-trial site in Nevada. Field trialx are required by the Nevad gaming commission to determine if the tables can be used in PokerPro received approval from the commissio n onMarch 19. The company says it doesn’t expecy the termination of the agreementg to significantly affect its revenue or financial results. PokerTek is a software-development company that markets electronic tablee for up to 10 playersd of TexasHold ’Em.
The company’s PokerProi system deals cards, displays them to the player on private screens and displaysa general information on a large screen in the center of the It also enables customers to set up accountss for betting and keeps statistical informatiohn onthe games. The systemj is designed to boost casino revenu e by increasing the number of handz per hour and reducing the labort costs ofpoker rooms. PokerTek (NASDAQ:PTEK) also markets tables used in restaurantsand bars.