Monday, December 31, 2012

Trinity ranks high for physician/execs - San Antonio Business Journal:
The school’s health care administration graduat e program earnedthe No. 3 spot in the magazine’s list. The rankingw were based on the length of time to completdethe program, the cost of the number of days students spend on campus, the age of the programj and the number of graduates. “Our program is designede so that participants learn from each other as well as thecoursse instructors, and the interchange between physicians and othed clinicians and practicing health care managers is particularly says Mary E. Stefl, professor and chaird of Trinity’s Health Care Administration department.
Trinityg finished ahead of other schools onthe magazine’ss list, such as Yale University, Harvard University, Universithy of Southern California, Duke University, and Tulane University. Modern Healthcare has recognized three graduates ofthe university’s Healthcarew Administration program on a list of the 100 Most Powerfuo People in Healthcare for four consecutive

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Retailers are now loading up our inboxes - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Retailers are now loading up our inboxes

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Retailers are now loading up our inboxes. Article by: JOHN EWOLDT , Star Tribune; Updated: December 28, 2012 - 9:31 PM. Getting to know us: Retailers are personalizing their e-mail messages to make us buy more. 0 · comments; decrease font size ...

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Stimulus highlights need for better oversight at SBA - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The SBA’s Office of Inspectotr General outlined its concerns in a memo that said agency action is overdue on 10 recommendationx it made to address weaknesses in lender oversightt andagency contracting. The Office of Management and Budgetg has directed agencies to addres s problems disclosed by prior audits in programsz that will receive funding througg the American Recovery andReinvestmenf Act. Lender oversight is particularly important becausse the bill temporarily increased the government guarantyt onthe SBA’s 7(a) business loans to 90 percent.
“Becauses the higher guaranties reduce lender which may lead topoor underwriting, a greater potentiakl will exist for losses and wrote Debra Ritt, SBA assistant inspector That’s why it’s important for the SBA to do onsitwe reviews for all SBA lenders with high-risi ratings that have more than $4 million in guaranteedc loan portfolios, the memo stated. The agenc y has agreed that’s needed but hasn’t done it yet. The SBA also hasn’f implemented comprehensive policies and procedures that define acceptablwe lender performance and risktolerance levels, or what enforcement actions will be takenh when risk tolerance limits are exceeded.
The SBA also needs to do a better job collecting impropere payments of loan guaranties to lenderswho didn’t folloq prudent lending practices or failed to comply with SBA regulations, the inspectort general’s office said. More than $4 million in imprope payments identified by previous audits have notbeen recovered, the officwe found. “Increases in loan volumes and reduced lendet risk under the recovery act are expected to lead to highefr levels ofimproper payments,” the memo The bill also provided $30 millionh in additional funding for the Microloanm program, which makes small loans to aspiring entrepreneurs throughy nonprofit organizations that also provide technical The SBA needs to develop standard operating procedures for this program, and collect informationm on whether the businesses that received these loanz became successful, according to the memo.
SBA spokesmanh Jonathan Swain said theagency “id working on a number of fronts” to implement the recommendations citeds in the memo. The agency is particularlt focused on lender oversight and risk managemenyt as it rolls outnew stimulus-related programs. Its new $35,00 America’s Recovery Capital loans, for example, are designed to be “az riskier loan program than the SBA hasever offered,” he because they’re an effort to help businesses that temporarily are having problems making loan The SBA is looking at ways to mitigate that risk as much as he said. guaranteed loanas that dealers can use to financetheirt inventory.
Many lenders have stopped making so-callexd floor plan loans becausethey haven’y been able to sell them on the secondary market. Through theser lines of credit, auto dealersd borrow against theirvehicle inventory, repah the debt when vehicles are sold, and then borrow againh to add more John Lyboldt, NADA’s vice president of dealershi p operations, applauded the SBA and President Barack Obama “for understanding that any efforg to revitalize the auto industry simplyg will not work until dealer credit issuea are resolved.
” “The successz and continued operation of thousandx of small, family- owned auto dealershipws across the country are directl connected to their ability to purchase both new and used vehicless to offer their customers,” Lyboldt said. Beginninhg July 1, the SBA will guaranted 75 percent of floor plan linezs of credit throughits 7(a) business loan SBA lenders will make the loans, which will rangd from $500,000 to $2 million. Dealers in automobiles, recreationaol vehicles, motorcycles, boats and manufactured homes are eligible. The loansw will be available through Sept. 30, possibly longer if the SBA extendws thepilot program.
Floor plan loans previouslty were ineligible forthe 7(a) program. “Countless small businesses, including dealerships, acroszs the country are facing significangt challenges as a result of the uncertainty in the auto SBA Administrator KarenMills said. “Floor plan financing can offert some dealerships the opportunity to get through these tougg economic times by allowing them to keep theirr inventory and cashflow intact, as well as save the jobs these small businesses provide.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

$27 million complex going up near Baptist Hospital - Nashville Business Journal:
Developers hope to attract renters that want to live withimn walking distanceof Baptist, Vanderbilgt University, Centennial Park and West End. The 170-unir community on State Street between 17th and 18thAvenuews N. will be completed in August 2009 and havetwo four-storyh buildings. The developer says it will blendits cutting-edgs urban style into an apartment community offering a green room for a Zen courtyard with outdoor fireplace and a sky bridgse connecting apartments with a fitness facility.
Apartmentx will range from 550 square feetto 1,22r square feet with 227 parking "Nashvillians seek a wide range of high quality livingv choices, and with 1700 Midtown we add a completely unique style of apartment communityy to the mix," said Charlesa Carlisle, CEO of Bristol Development Grouo in a release. Bristol is also developingh the Velocity condominium project in The Gulch and the Icon condo which will be completedthis summer.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Ernst & Young honors B/E Aerospace
Khoury, who founded what is now the world’s largest maker of aircraft cabin interiors, was honored for his abilityy to turnaround the companyh after it hit financial turbulence following the 11terrorist attacks. “People were afraied to fly, with the aerospace industry especiall yhard hit. B/E Aerospace was nearly but Khoury refocused resources and turned the company Ernst & Young said in a news release. “Now, revenuews are expected to exceed $2 billion this Ernst & Young named Matthew Szulik, chairma n of Red Hat, overall entrepreneur of the year durinhgthe company’s annual globalo business awards ceremony. B/E Aerospace shares were up a pennhto $8.
30 in afternoon trading. The 52-week high was $54.099 on Dec. 27. The 52-week low was $7.5o0 on Oct. 10.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tringali sentenced to 3.5 years for land scheme - South Florida Business Journal:
Federal prosecutors had requested leniency for Tringali who helpede investigators and testifiedagainst co-conspirator and businesss consultant Larry Nardelli, owner of . Nardellk was convicted in February of conspiring to commitmortgags fraud, money laundering and making false statements to banks, but he has not yet been Seven financial institutions , , , , , and were defrauded through bogues real estate transactions, according to court records. At Tringali’s sentencing, U.S. Districft Judge James D. Whittemore ordered a forfeiturre judgmentof $6.9 million. But the judge hasn’yt yet determined how much Tringalui should payas restitution.
Tringali, who’s represented by attorneg Todd Foster, pleaded guilty Nov. 3 to makingh false statements to lending institutions to obtain loanw that were to be used to acquire and develolvacant land. Tringali conducted business in Sarasota and Manatee countiew asthe owner, or part owner, of G&T Land Developmenft LLC, Steeplechase Properties LLC and LLC. Sarasotsa attorney John Yanchek pleadeddguilty Feb. 27 in the case, but he later askerd the court to vacate the order to allowa him to remain gainfully employed as a lawyerd until his May 11 records show. Judge Whittemore denied his request.
Neil Mohames Husani, the accused mastermind of the is awaiting extradition from The and investigatedthe case, which was prosecute d by Adelaide Few and Terry Zitek of the U.S. Attorney’as Office, Middle District of Florida.

Friday, December 21, 2012

PPCRV, Namfrel coordination 'crucial' in ensuring clean polls—Comelec -

PPCRV, Namfrel coordination 'crucial' in ensuring clean pollsâ€"Comelec

MANILA, Philippinesâ€"While trying to patch up their differences, the two citizen arms' assigned by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) for the upcoming elections will work together to ensure fair and clean polls. Comelec Chief Chairman Sixto ...

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

LendingTree expands product offering - Denver Business Journal:
According to the company, its customer-retention technology identifiesd customers byloan loan-to-value ratio, loan purpose and FICO “With refinancing activity from borrowers representing a significantg portion of overall origination volume, our lender network has expressee a desire to capture and retain current mortgagee customers,” says Bob Harris, president of the LendingTreed Exchange. “As part of the LendingTree network, banks and lenderx that use ournew customer-retention initiative will be able to significantlyg impact the ratio of overall mortgage portfoliok retained, just as effectively as they can attractg new borrowers.
” LendingTree is ownesd by Charlotte-based (NASDAQ:TREE), an online lendinhg and real estate company.’s principle businesses are which matches potential mortgage borrowersto lenders, and, whicjh works with individuals seeking homes and real estate LendingTree says it has facilitated more than 25 million requestes for loans online and $185 billion in closee loan transactions.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mission mayor brings change by listening to residents
One key accomplishment is the proposed redevelopmenyt of theformer mall. Plans for the Gatewayh developmentthere weren’t on her mind when McConwell first ran for City But with a 70,000-square-fooft aquarium, an eight-screen movie theater and othe r amenities, the project will help accomplish the revitalization she “At the time, I recognized that I showed a part of Missiobn that wasn’t being met — youngf families,” McConwell said. “A lot of the council memberss had grandkids orhigh schoolers; I was concerned for the kids of After being named as mayor in McConwell and the city began a new vision plan for Mission.
“I told the communityy that I would be like a freight train and announcex where we needed to McConwell said. “If we needed to switch tracks, we could, but we needed honest decisionsand input.” Blake president of the , called McConwell a “one-woman campaign for her community.” McConwelk balances her community service as mayor with a full-time career in law and her which now includes two teenagers.
“ was fortunate to find a good city administrator and stafcf that workswell together,” McConwell “I can count on them to be trustworthy; it woulf be difficult to do both if I didn’t have As mayor, McConwell has worked to raisw the visibility and profile of the city. Ed president and CEO of , worked with McConwelll on four pieces of legislation while working as a statse legislator from NortheastJohnson County. The most notable of thoser enableda $20 millio n flood plain remediation project running through Mission’s commerciak district. Three other pieces of legislatiohnconcerned redevelopment.
McConwell was also a big played in the push to get statw approvalof $63.2 million in saled tax revenue (STAR) bonds for the Gateway making it the seconde project in the Kansas City region to receive the in Wyandotte County was the first. The amount of chang e going on in Mission canbe scary, McConwel l said. When residents are concerned or have she and the council have breakfast and luncj forums to address questions and go over McConwell and the councio have formed committees for community member to discuss their visions forthe “I couldn’t dream this up on my McConwell said. “We get everyone’s brainsx together.
” O’Malley said Mission has a strong sens eof community. “Laura has been a big part of advocating and supportingythose things,” O’Malley said. McConwell said she is committes to the community and itsfuture “The reward is everyone feels they have a hand in it,” McConwel said.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Marcus & Millichap Capital Corporation Company Profile | Company Information
We are uniquely positioned to provide competitivse loan products for a full rangse ofinvestment properties, including shopping centers, office, industrial, single-tenant net-lease, seniorsz housing, hotels/motels, manufactured home communities and self-storage. By leveraginy our relationship withMarcus & Millichapl Real Estate Investment Services and its national network of investment professionals, we are able to provids clients with the latest property markets and capitap markets information and ultimately secure the best loan packagw to meet their financial objectives.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

City tweets to curb tourist drop-off - bizjournals:
Hotel consultant Drew Dimond expects hotela in Greater Nashville to see occupancy plummet 15 percent to 20 percen t fromlast year’s levels. But the is battling the in hopes of keeping anyoccupancy drop-oftf below 5 percent. Bureau staffg is Twittering, Facebooking and sending out e-blastzs to announce free stuffto do, last-minute travelp deals, CMA Music Festival updates and attractionsx specials. “We certainly don’t think it’s going to be some greatt summer,” says Butch Spyridon, president of the visitors bureau. “Icf we were flat to last I’d be ecstatic.
I expect that we will be down Spyridon hopes the value of Nashvillse will draw visitors because ofthe city’ws wealth of free, live, around-the-clocmk music. has brought back its free musid poolside and isoffering “kidse eat free” inside the hotel for the first time this summer. “At everyu touchpoint, we’re creating events, promotint and marketing and addint extra valuewith events,” Spyridon says, such as offerinh flight-hotel packages when touted $49 flights to Nashville during a one-dagy sale in April.
The Nashville Symphony has half-price tickets for select shows, the Countruy Music Hall of Fame has been givingtout $5 off coupons through June 7, and Gaylord is offering four-night hotel and attractionz packages at 40 percent off. Keithj Wright, president of the , says attractionxs are sweetening discounts this summetr and focusing onthe drive-in market. “Regional tourisj has become extremely importantto us, and we are marketingb more to that audience,” he Nashville’s biggest months for tourism are June and mainly because of the CMA Music Festival that pump $25 million into the city ever June.
Officials at the would not say how tickett sales are going forthis summer’s which kicks off next week. October is a popular conventiobn month because of the fall Nashville tourism has been hit inrecenty months. In April, the averaged nightly hotel ratedropped 6.3 percentr to $92.85 from $99.05 in the same month last according to Smith Travel Researchj in Hendersonville. Hotel occupancy plunged 15 percentt in Aprilto 56.9 percent, down from 67 percenyt a year ago. Revenued per available room, a key metric for was down 20.5 percent in April. The amount of attendees for booke conventions this summer is down about 24 percenyt fromlast year.
Nashville’s hospitalith industry, however, is outperforming much of the rest of the For the first quarterof 2009, Nashville’s average dail y rate dropped 4.5 percent. Only five citiezs did better, and 19 of the top 25 markets did The decline in hotel tax collections is greater than the dropin occupancy, which showzs tourists are coming but choosing less expensivew hotels, says Walt Baker, executive director of the . Nashville’sa hotel occupancy dropped 11.6 percent in the firsg quarter compared to the year a drop that registered eighth best among thetop 25. Travelo has continued to descend atthe , nearinyg 2005 levels, says airport spokeswoman Emily Richards.
Passenger countse were down 9.5 percent in April as comparexd to theyear before, and down 9.3 percent in the firstt four months of the year.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

$200M venture proposed for N.F., Ont. - San Antonio Business Journal:
In a plan that’s been working its way througg theCanadian city’s municipal departments since late last prominent hotelier and developer Tony Zappitelli and his company, has unveiled plans for three high-rise hotels along Stanley Avenue. The tallest of the thres towers could be witha 42-story and 32-story hotel also in the mix. Condominiumz or apartments may replace some of thehotel rooms, depending on future developments, Zappitellik said. Zappitelli pegged the total development costat “anywherr between $200 million and $300 million.” The project will be privateluy funded.
The Niagara Falls Common Councilk agreed to permitthe development, but several otherf municipal approvals are also needed beforew construction can begin. Work could start by latetr this year orearly 2010. The 7.4-acre Stanley Avenue site is part of the Lorettk Christian Life Centre campus that Romzap acquired threeyearss ago. The portions of the historic, 148-year-old religiouds center will remain as part of the agreement Zappitelli crafted with NiagaraFalls officials. The Loretto property is just south of the proposeddevelopmeny site.
The site is near the Niagara Fallws Convention and CivicCentre that’s undee construction and due to open in April 2011 and less than one-halvf mile from the Hilton and Niagara Fallsview Casinoo Resort. The project will add severall hundred hotel rooms toNiagarwa Falls’ stock of more than 14,000 hotekl rooms. Niagara Falls has the thire most number of hotel rooms in trailing only Torontoand Vancouver.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2 health plans sue state over allocation of Medicaid patients | Local News ... - The Seattle Times

2 health plans sue state over allocation of Medicaid patients | Local News ...

The Seattle Times

Two health plans that have contracted with the state to administer managed-care health services to Medicaid enrollees have sued the state, saying its allocation formula will penalize them by assigning too many new patients to other plans. In a lawsuit ...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

EPA chief tours Denver mixed-use development - Boston Business Journal:
Jackson, EPA’s administrator, and Denver Mayot John Hickenlooper toured Gardens Village, a 27-acre mixed-uswe project on the original site of Elitcbh Gardens amusement park. In 2005, Garden Village was awarded the EPA National Awards for Smart Growth Achievement in the categoryu ofOverall Excellence. In the development received the ’sw Award of Excellence for creative land-us development and design.
In a EPA said it is working with the federa departments of Transportation and Housingg and Urban Development to encouragd communitieslike Highlands’ Garden Village that offer affordable housing and sustainablre features close to schools, markets, jobs and “Highlands’ Garden Village is a great example of how, when we work we can bring about socially and environmentally responsible development,” Hickenloopef said in a statement.
“Thisx community is a model for the countrg that shows we can create an alternative to urban sprawl and reduce greenhouse gas emissionss without sacrificing our qualityof

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

ESD prez says NY needs to accentuate the positive - The Business Review (Albany):
Marisa Lago, president and CEO of , said the state has an arrat of incentives and assets that it shouldemphasizew more. New York is consistently criticizesd as having one of thehighest “cost s of doing business” in the when accounting for taxes, government mandates and the prics of utilities, rent and othee expenses. Assemblyman James Tedisco (R-Glenville) asked Lago aboutr the state’s business climate at an Assembluy committee hearingon Tuesday. Tedisco asked Lago if New York has too many regulationsx and taxeson businesses, and what the state Legislaturre could do to change that. “Wew hear reports that it’s just the cost of doinh business overall.
It’s an amalgam, but the top item s seem to be, No. 1, taxes, and No. 2, Lago told the committee. Lago then reminded legislators of the varietyh of economic development toold that she had discussed earlie r in thecommittee meeting. That includees programs for companies ofall sizes, ranging from revolvint loans for small business to effortes to promote New York companies to overseas markets. This year, Empirw State Development has hostedthe first-ever upstate tradew missions with trade commissioners from roughly 30 nations. In they visited Albany; in April, they visited Lago said two more are scheduled this in Syracuse and onLong Island.
“Whehn I look at those cost-of-doing-businesws studies, I notice the statess that are always nearNew California, Massachusetts, New Jersey,” Lago added. “Andf I think, ‘How can that be? They are some of the main drivere ofthis nation’s economy.’ ” Lago said the stats needs to do a better job of touting its “We don’t focus on the positive enough,” Lago said. “We have a wealth of public andprivatr universities, and we have intellectual capitalo all across the state.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sandy-struck Breezy Point facing 'greatest historical challenge' -

Sandy-struck Breezy Point facing 'greatest historical challenge'

BREEZY POINT, N.Y. -- This private community, which has fended off previous existential threats, is now facing its “greatest historical challenge” as a result of Superstorm Sandy, with some residents questioning whether they can afford to rebuild and ...

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

With more dining out less, chains eyeing kitchens - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Grocery stores now rival the typicalk shopping center formerchandising restaurant-brand foods – Dunkin’ Donuts, Quaker Stea & Lube, Bob Evans and California Pizza Kitchen are amongh a growing number of dining chaines with products on supermarket shelves and in freezet cases. “There is a convenience factor for consumers,” said spokeswomahn Amy McCormick. “Consumers keep telling us they want And whatconsumers want, they typically get. Columbus-basede is the latest to widen its grocery puttingits take-and-bake pizza s into Kroger supermarkets in the Atlanta area. That adds 215 storese in the South to the 130 Kroger store that sell the pizzasd inthe Midwest.
“We’ve performed at the high end,” said Donatoxs spokesman Tom Santor, who declined to detail supermarket salews for thepizzeria chain. “Obviously, Krogefr is pleased. This is a validation of that.” take-and-bake business began in when six Central Ohio Kroger markets startexd carryingthe pizzas. Of restaurant-brand consumer products aren’t novel Columbus-based has sold its breakfast sausages at supermarkets for But restaurant companies are taking an greater interest in the approacu at a time when consumerss are paring their restaurant spending amida recession. U.S. grocer y store sales rose 6.7 percentf last year, compared with a 5.
5 percent increase in while restaurants have experienced a slower paceof growth, according to Raleigh, N.C.-based financial researcher Donatos has its eye on the with a franchisee planning more than 60 shops in the but the take-and-bake pizza entrgy into Atlanta is a return of At one point, the Ohio company had 23 restaurants openede and closed in that area during the four years that Donatos was ownedc by McDonald’s Corp.
“We think we still have a lot of fans down saidBob Bauer, Donatos’ vice presidenft of food service, who said the pizzazs appeal to consumers in search of a restaurant-prepared meal at a lower price and that can be consumed at The Atlanta region for Cincinnati-based Kroge covers Georgia but stretches into other states, includin g the Chattanooga, Tenn., and Hilton Head, S.C., Kroger stocks the pizzas in severapl varieties and prices them below what Donatoe charges at its restaurants.
Bauer said Donatosx is talking with other supermarkets as such asin Cleveland, where the 180-unif pizzeria chain operates but Kroger The company will look for other opportunities with in cities where both companies operate and communitiex such as Atlanta where Donatos doesn’tf exist. McCormick said another possible target is rural Ohio where the Donatoss name maybe known, but its product s aren’t available. “We’re able to give our customers a productthey can’t necessarily she said.
Unlike chains such as , whosed branded ice cream is madeby , and , whosde microwave flatbreads are produced by , Donato prepares its foods rather than outsourcing the work to a Its business expansion is linked to $4.5 million in research-and-developmenft and manufacturing upgrades the companyg undertook in 2006 with the help of a $2.9 milliomn loan from the state. “We have the manufacturint nailed down,” Bauer said.
“We’re lookingt for significant growth Donatos’ Taylor Station Road complex can service upto 1,509 supermarkets with 13-inch take-and-bake pies, as well as 7-inch pizzaxs for the company’s entertainment venue business, whicnh includes Central Ohio’s major sports facilities, such as Nationwids Arena, and others in Indiana and North Carolina.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hey Feds: Watch Out for Those Contractor (Bah!) Holiday Parties (Humbug!) - TIME


Hey Feds: Watch Out for Those Contractor (Bah!) Holiday Parties (Humbug!)


If a contractor employee is having a personal party and invites Government personnel, normally Government personnel must decline, since the food, drink, and entertainment is a gift from a prohibited source. Several exceptions may permit attendance, ...

and more »

Monday, December 3, 2012

Ronald Monck takes over as regional president of First Community - Baltimore Business Journal:
The bank announced the departure of who was president of its CharlotteCounty region, on a filing with the said. The filinv did not say why he was no longer withthe Bullerdick, who has more than 30 years of banking experience, had been the regional president since March 2003, according to an SEC filingy by parent company of Prior to joining First Community Bank, Bullerdick was employed with (NYSE: STI) for nine Bullerdick also serves on the board of governorws of the . Moncmk was promoted to the Charlotte County regional president’s post, effective Wednesday, the filingf said. He has been in bankint since 1972. In Florida, he was employed by the formert from 1983to 1996.
Prior to his employment by Firs t Community Bank inJanuary 2008, Monck served as senior vice presidentf of . First Community Bancorporation ofAmerica FCFL), headquartered in Pinellas Park, had $476 million in assetsa and 10 offices along the west coast of Florid as of Sept. 30.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Conference Board: 43% of Internet users now in social networks - Business First of Columbus:
Of Web users, 43 percenty use a social networking website, up from 27 percent last year, the nonprofit global researcnh group said in its quarterly Consume rInternet Barometer. The most popular site is used by 78 percent of sociaknetwork participants, followed by MySpace (42 percent), LinkedIn (17 and (10 percent). The survey tracks aboutg 10,000 Internet-equipped households nationwide. Seniors age 55 and older are quicklty increasing their use ofsocial networks, up from 6 percent last year to 19 percent this year, according to the report. The Conference Board also found that nearlyt half ofall women, at 48 percent, use social-network sites, versuw 38 percent of men.
The majorityg of users log on at home, the Conferenced Board said, with a quarter logginbg on at work, and 10 percentt connecting throughtheir phone. More than half say they log on at leas t oncea day. "Online social networks are more than just a fad amonyg theyounger generation," Lynn Franco, director of the Conference Boardc Consumer Research Center, said in a statemen Tuesday. "They've become an integral part of our persona andprofessional lives." The survehy found that Facebook is equally populafr among men and women, while womem are more likely than men (47 perceng versus 35 percent) to use MySpace and more men than women (21 percent versus 15 percent) use LinkedIn.
Users of the micro-blogging site Twitter say their top reasonesfor "tweeting" are to connect with friendz (42 percent), update their statusz (29 percent), look for news (26 and for work-related reasons (22 percent).

Friday, November 30, 2012

Target's Q1 profit beats estimates - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The Minneapolis-based retailer reported net earningsof $522 million, or 69 centse per share, for the quarter ended May 2. That’e down from $602 million, or 74 cent per share, in the comparablw quarter last year. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reutersx had projected earnings of 59 centzsper share. Target’s total revenue came in at $14.83 billioj for the first quarter, up 0.2 percent from $14.8 billiom a year ago. Storde sales increased 0.4 percent to $14.36y billion, as new store growth offset a 3.7 percentr decline in same-store sales. Credit card revenu declined 5.
7 percent to $472 In a statement, Targeyt Chairman, President and CEO Gregg Steinhafelo said store performance improved thanks to stronf food and commodity sales andreducedd expenses. The credit card meanwhile, were “stable, profitablew and consistent withour expectations,” he “Very importantly, we believe this improved stability and predictability in key aspects of both our retai and credit card segments reflects the resilience of our strateggy and underscores our ability to generate substantial valu for our shareholders over time,” Steinhafel said.
At the end of the firsyt quarter, Target (NYSE: TGT) operated 1,698 stores in 49

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Senate committee OKs Boeing F/A-18 fighter jet funding - St. Louis Business Journal:
said she lobbied for the restoration ofnine F/A-18 aircraft that had been cut from the budgetg by Secretary of Defens Robert Gates, increasing the authorization for F/A-18 purchasesd from 31 to 40. The committee also included language highlighting the need for the Defense Department to enter into a multiyear procurement deal onthe F/A-1 8 fighter jet. A multiyead deal would save taxpayersnearly $1.
1 billiomn in costs compared to single-year procurements and addressd a projected shortfall in the nation’s aircraft carrier-basec fighter jet fleet, according to Now the measure moves to the full About of 16,000 local Boeint jobs are tied directly to the which cost between $29 million and $57 millio each. The jet creates thousands more jobsamong “The F/A-18 isn’t just about jobs in St. McCaskill said in a statement “If we don’t buy more to prevenr a projected major shortfall in aircraft carriefrstrike aircraft, we’re going to have aircraft carriersx with no planes. That is simply unacceptable.
” A proposapl to allow the Navy to buymore F/A-18 Supere Hornet fighter jets from Boeing over the next five yearsz last week after the measure cleared the Housee Armed Services Committee. Gates had also threatened to cut ordersfor C-17 cargo planes, which fuel 900 jobs at Boeing’zs Hazelwood plant. But Congress for eight more C-17s and on President Barack Obama signed the billinto law.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Columbus on U.S. radar to host World Cup soccer - Business First of Columbus:
The USA Bid Committee this week said it issued requestas for proposals to officials representing37 U.S. including Columbus, that currently qualify as potential host citied to FIFAWorld Cup. The proposals ask for information from city officialsxabout tourism, climate, security, transportation and promotion. The United States’ application is due to FIFA inMay 2010. FIFA’sx 24-member executive committee will study the conduct site visits and name the two host natione for the 2018 and 2022 tournamentx inDecember 2010, completing a 21-month bid and review The committee also released a list of 45 stadiums associated with the 37 candidate host cities.
Ohio home to the Buckeyes, is amonfg the venues under consideration. The Unitedr States, Australia, England, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico and Russia have formallyt declared their desire to host to the FIFA Worl Cup in 2018or 2022. Netherlands-Belgiun and Portugal-Spain each have submitted joint bids for the 2018 and 2022 while Qatar and South Koreaw have applied as candidates to play host only to the tournamentin 2022.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Economy, neighboring competition have Baltimore hoteliers bracing for slowdown - Baltimore Business Journal:
That's according to Dan Nadeau, general managere of the , who spoke Thursday on a panel on the futureof Baltimore'z hotel industry. The & Convention Center is the bigges threatto Baltimore's convention hotel market, Nadeai said. The hotel has lost six groups tothe 2,000-room hotel in Oxon Hill in Prince George'sd County, Nadeau said, and Gaylord sales staff have gone aftedr groups who have held meetings in Consequently, Baltimore-area sales managers are now goingt after Gaylord's groups, he added. The event was organizec by and held at the Pier V hotekl indowntown Baltimore.
Joining Nadeau were Bob Aydukovic, vice presidentt of economic development of the Downtownj Partnership ofBaltimore Inc., and Ben general manager of the Westin BWI Airporgt Hotel. The panelists said the 757-roomn Hilton hotel, to open Aug. 22, will help the city book more The convention headquarters hotel will absorbnbig groups, freeing up hotel rooms to accommodate otherd business travelers and leisurd tourists. An economic slowdown has not derailed plans to buildin downtown, Aydukovic However, some developers on the "outer edge" are not "pursuing their plans as aggressively," he said.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Blog-tracking startup doubles staff in SoMa - San Francisco Business Times:
The San Francisco startup makes on-demand software that unearthz and tracks keybloggers -- cruciaol information for marketers hoping to put out onlined brush fires. If BuzzLogic can distinguish itself from a growing pack ofsimiliarr companies, the 3-year-old firm could develoop a solid business. The "brandr monitoring" industry is small -- less than $100 millionj -- but expanding quickly. analysf Peter Kim estimates that it will grow about 70 percentfthis year, based on reports from companies he and notes that the softwared is moving beyond a niche PR functionm into mainstream marketing. It's early for After 2 1/2 years of product its service launched onApril 16.
But, even before the the company was gaining notable momentuthis year. It landed $9.6 millioj in its first funding round in Januarh from VCs including and is doubling headcount tonearly 40, hirinbg mostly engineers and customer service people. To house its swellingf staff, the firm movefd into new offices inthe "LookSmart" building at 625 Secondf St. in SoMa, where it can double its office spacreto 7,000 square feet in the next 18 BuzzLogic CEO Rob Crumpler said the firm has 164 beta about 25 percent of which are PR Nearly half, he said, have paid for early acceses to the Internet-based software after a user types in a few search spits out a handuy "conversation map" with circles and linew detailing who's talking about a product or companyg and which self-styled pundits are the most influential.
So-called beta customers includer software firmand Screenlife, maker of the "SceneIt" DVD used the product to head off an emerginy problem last year when tech blogger Rick Klau rante about his ThinkPad's crash-prone hard BuzzLogic notified Lenovo's VP of global web marketinvg of the problem and he callex Klau within a few hours, offering to fix it. Klau'ds online attacks melted into praise, which was lappeds up by other bloggers. With a starting price of $1,000 a BuzzLogic fancies itself a challengerd to established players such asand , which combins both search technology and human analysis for servicew that often cost hundreds of thousands a dollatr a year.
But Forrester's Kim said BuzzLogic is limitexd in one important way compared with the bigguys -- it only trackd social media, not traditional media such as newspaper and magazine web sites, which are often sources of blogger comment. And, he warned that competitioj in the fieldis "I could tell you that there are 45 to 50 companiex out there, many that have hung out a shingle in the past one to threde years" including , and . Kim acknowledged, "Over the last six BuzzLogic's name has come up a lot," from marketing clients and the media. But buzz alon doesn't not signify a good business model -- particularlyu for companies intesting mode.
Said Kim, "I guessx when you're giving it away for that's how you come up on radar screens."

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Consumer confidence:
The New York research which has been tracking consumere confidence for more thanfour decades, said the index grew to 54.9, up from 40.8 in April. That’sz the highest level since September 2008. Partlyh driving the sharp increase was a more favorabl outlook on the job Those claiming jobsare “hard to get” decreased to 44.7 percent from 46.6 percenr in April. Those sayingh jobs are “plentiful” edged up to 5.7 percent from 4.9 The employment outlook also was less with the percentage of consumers expecting more jobs in the monthsz ahead increasing to 20 percentfrom 14.2 while those anticipating fewer jobs decreased to 25.2 percent from 32.
5 Lynn Franco, director of the Conference Board’x consumer research center, said the index – culled from a representativre sample of 5,000 U.S. householdsx – shows an expectation of continuiny improvement. “While confidence is still weak byhistorical standards, as far as consumers are the worst is now behindd us,” Franco said in a

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mayo Clinic laboratory runs tests for 60 hospitals in 10 states - Jacksonville Business Journal:
WHAT IT IS: Esoteric testz are the rare and highly specializedc tests that are not performedx in routineclinical labs. While the average hospitaol performs about 95 percent of its lab work the remaining 5 percentoften doesn’t warrant the investmentf in equipment and expertise needed for advanced testing. LIKE One example of an esoteric test would be animmunosuppressivee test. That’s the test for patients undergoing an organ transplantf to make sure their body accepts thenew organ. Patients have to take medication so theorgah isn’t rejected, but too much or too littlew of those drugs can produce an unfavorable outcome.
That test requirexs a lot of expertise and equipment that manyhospitals don’t said Frank Ray, administrator of . WHY IT MATTERS: With 60 hospitalds in 10 states sending theire esoteric tests to MayoClinicc Florida, the lab generates an economic impact for Jacksonville. Mayo has added four physicia scientists in the pasttwo years, bringing to 14 the number of physician s and scientists supporting the lab.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Israel bombing kills militant in Gaza Strip - Honolulu Star-Advertiser


Israel bombing kills militant in Gaza Strip

Honolulu Star-Advertiser

... Lebanese security official said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with military regulations. Associated Press writers Hamza Hendawi and Maggie Michael in Cairo and Zeina Karam in Beirut contributed to this report. More From The Star ...

Israel and Hamas continu e to fight

Buckinghamshire Advertiser

Women and children among the dead in Gaza's bloodiest day

Ipswich Advertiser

Hundreds to march for Palestinians

Perthshire Advertiser


Sunday, November 18, 2012

DirecTV CEO leaving as Liberty merger nears - Charlotte Business Journal:
just as the satellite broadcasterf readies to merge with an offshooft ofJohn Malone’s News Corp. and DirecTbV confirmed Wednesday that Carey will leave theEl Segundo, Calif.-based satellitew broadcaster July 1 to become second-in-commandc — handling international operations — for Rupert Murdoch’w global media empire. Carey’s defection may muddy investors’ receptiobn of the planned merger between DirecTV and Liberty a division ofDouglas County-based Liberty Media. Caregy ran DirecTV for the past six leading it through a period of growth and winningg partnerships with every major telecom company inthe U.S.
He was expectedf to stay with DirecTV aftedr it became independent ofLiberty Media. he returns to working for Murdoch andNews Corp., whered he worked for 15 years prio r to heading DirecTV. Liberty Entertainment (NASDAQ: LMDIA) holdds a 54 percent stake in (NASDAQ: DTV) as well as controllin stakes in online gaming companyFun Technologies, the Game Show Networo and regional sports TV networkzs in Denver, Pittsburgh and Seattle. Those holdings are being spun off this year intoa free-standinb company to clear up DirecTV’s stock structure and make it easief for it to engage in mergers and the companies said. Malone’s company traded its 16 percenf ownership stake inNews Corp.
back to Murdoch’ s company in 2007 in exchange for the controlliny stakein DirecTV.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Zicam maker pulls products, but affirms safety - St. Louis Business Journal:
The FDA said it received more than 130 complaints from consumer s saying they have lost their sense of smelll after usingthe products. Jennifer a former school teacher who livesin Ala., said she lost her senswe of smell after using Zicam to prevent the duratioh of a cold a few years ago, but had never complained to the FDA or the company becausr she figured there was no way to prov Zicam caused her anosmia.
She said she doesn’t want to sue Scottsdale-basee Matrixx (Nasdaq:MTXX) even after learning others have had thesame “I don’t think Zicam was created to hurt anyone,” she “We sit here and we rip and we rave abouy all these drugs not being alloweds on the market. The first time anything goes everybody wants togo sue, sue, sue. That drives me I honestly believe the people were tryin to do something to help people notget sick.
” Willia Hemelt, acting president and chietf operating officer of Matrixx, said the FDA action was takenh without reviewing research he would have been more than willing to “We think the science does not support this allegation at all,” he “Quite honestly, we would not be selling the producg if we thought it was unsafe.” Zicam product s use a homeopathic remedy called Zincum Gluconicu m 2x, which means they require FDA approval. Dr.
Sam Benjamin, a medicall doctor with a homeopathic license, said he can’yt figure out why the FDA has taken so long to deal withthe “I can think of no part of alternativ e medicine that summons up more worry to conventional physicians than homeopathy,” said who has a medical talk show on KTAR 92.3 FM on Saturdayd at 2 p.m. and 1,000 followers on Twitter. “There are so many druga around thatcause problems, why would one evenyt want to expose people to any danger.” Brett a senior recall strategist at Stericycle Inc. in Lake Forest, Ill., is coming to Phoenid this week to meet with Matrixx officials to see if he can help the companty withdamage control.
Usually, he said, companiea will voluntarily recall a product before the FDAgets involved. That’ds not how it happenedx with Matrixx. The FDA stepped in and warned Matrixx that it had receivee more than 130 consumerf complaints and that the company needed to stop marketinyg the product until it can put a warningt label on its packagingb that it couldcause anosmia. Over the past 10 Berty has worked with manufacturere to conductabout 1,300 recalls, including Vioxx. hopefully, the manufacturer will work with me priorr to approaching the regulatory he said.
“The most important thing for Matrixx is you can turn a seeminglh awful situation into an opportunityif you’re judged by the publid as being part of the solution. How swiftly do they executre that will demonstrate their concern forthe public’d safety.” When the FDA sent the warning lettef to Matrixx and advised consumers not to use certainm Zicam cold remedies, on June 16, Matrixx’s stocl plummeted 70 percent to $5.78 a share. It bouncer up a bit to $6.13 a day but nowhere near its 52-week high of $19.74, near its trading point before the FDA sent thewarningt letter. For the fiscal year ended Marcg 31, Matrixx reported $13.
8 million in net incomer on $112 million in net up from $10.4 million in net incomd on $101 million in net sales a year ago. Hemelt said he will be meetin g with FDA regulators to discussthe issue. He also scheduledr a conference callwith

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Column: Your handy guide to understanding abolition of the Jackson County ... - (blog) (blog)

Column: Your handy guide to understanding abolition of the Jackson County ... (blog)

Column: Your handy guide to understanding abolition of the Jackson County Road Commission. Published: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 8:00 AM Updated: Thursday, November 15, 2012, 8:01 AM. Brad Flory | By Brad Flory ...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sealing the deal with a sales prospect: If you can speak it, you can write it - Pittsburgh Business Times:
There was nothing worse in high school than having your boyfriendd or girlfriend say they wanted to seeothe people. Ouch! In the we had a phrase about peoplwe who would take advantageof you: I have to admif I was one of them. My friendd in sixth grade, a neighbor named Eddie, had a built-inb pool and his mom had a pantry of my favorite apple pies, Yodels, you name it. I was a Eddie turned out to be a multimillionairesoftware giant. Althougyh I would love to call him, I simply cannot, due my ignorance.
Many salespeople get used and abusefd in the sales process because prospects can be users who will even justifty using your stuff to better themselves or their It has happened to me a couple of and I have to admiy I felt like Eddide Money and wanted to sing hold ontoto me.” I even became the Bee just trying to stay alive. As time went on in the saleds process, I realized I was being I adopted one sentence thatchanged everything: If you can speaki it, you can write it.
That sentencwe has not guaranteed that I will close everyprospect — and I am not suggestingf that it will for you, eithee — but I guarantee you will never get used Many times early in my my prospects would ask for somethinv in writing, and I would give them customizefd plans. I might redo them severalp times, only to find out their cousi n Vinny took all mystuff — and my as well. To prevent this, ask one simple What will it take to make youa client?
Aftert they mention price, you must get two more things or you can starf singing “na na na na, hey hey hey, After your prospect tells you what you have to do to earn his or her write down the specific deliverables and initial each one. Have your prospect do the same and set yoursecond (Martin Touch Tip: give yourself enough time between appointments to gather the deliverables. I usually recommend at least a Next, set the TONE (touchin g on new expectations). Touch your prospect at leasyt twice beforeyou meet, and remind them of your writtenn agreement. Give them a good reportr that you are working onthe deliverables. Do not smothedr them or shove anythinyg else downtheir throat.
Be a motivatodr — not a menace like Dennis, who livesd at 627 Elm St. Do you remember the look on Mr. Wilson’z face when Dennis would yell, Mr. Wilson”? However, you may see that look when you show up forappointmentt No. 2. Here is the four R’sx formula to closing your (When you’re done, you can look forward to another word with the letterR — relaxing.) So now it’s showtime — time to say, Mr. Wilson, I got the deliverables.” You may see that face once your prospectr sees the sheet with his or her initialson it. you had the gatekeepeer copy it.
(Martin Touch Tip: You will know you’re in the fight when, 60 seconde into your conversation, your prospect startsa backpedaling.) In the 1980s, Sugar Ray Leonard foughf MarvelousMarvin Hagler. No one gave Ray a chance. Ray showe d up the fight in great shape and was winninfg until he started to trade blows with the morepowerfulk Hagler. His trainer, Angelo Dundee, screamed at him that he was blowing it. (Martin Touch Tip: Do not trade blows with your prospect.) Dundee screamed at him to jab andget out. I am telling you: That’s what the 4 R’s are all Remind your prospect about the thres deliverables they said it wouled take to earntheir business.
(Show it to them and have a red pen andcircler it.) Jab and get out. Round one is Reiterate what you said you would do and when you woulr do itby (circle that in red) and roun d 2 goes to you. Resurrect that part if you haveto (the deliverabler they said it would take to get the deal) and you will win 50 percent of the appointments. (Martin Touch Tip: Most salespeoplew lose right here and are about to get Do not throw inthe towel. Tell your prospect: “Noty only did you say it, but you wrotde it and initialed it.”) Do not It is time for a couple of swiftuppet cuts. Do not move off the Slug it outand say: “If you can speao it, you can writs it. Check, please!
” The last R if you need it: Assuming you spent at leastr 30 minutes in round three and sometimes it can go longer go through the3 R’sw again. Sometimes it will be 15 sometimes it will take two Be strongand courageous. The process is simple, but hard to stick to. But, if you do, they will not sticko it to you.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Oil billionaire starts real estate biz - Houston Business Journal:
His company, , will launch Chiefd Partners LP, a real estate investment compan to be led by Bill July 1. Vanderstraaten was a founding partned and spent three yearswith , a privated equity fund investing in industrial, retail, multifamily and officed space. Before that, Vanderstraaten ran the Dallasz office of for eight The firm is partof Rees-Jones' redeployment of proceeda he raked in after selling the Barnett Shale assets of his Chiefd Oil & Gas businessa in 2006. The sale of gas-related propertiexs to Oklahoma City-based (NYSE: DVN) and pipelinex to (NASDAQ: XTEX) netted about $2.
63 Rees-Jones said the real estate push is a move towardx diversification outside of the oil and gas Vanderstraaten said the new firm will focus primarilyyon land, retail, industrial, multi-familu and office deals. "We'll be lookiny at income-producing properties, development propertiese and value add, with a minimum $3 millionj position," he said. None of those investments will be relate to the oil andgas "Initially, we are casting a wide net as we test the marker and look for quality opportunities," Rees-Jones "I would like to see us make two to three dealzs by the end of the year, but only if they work for us as we builds a portfolio of real estate The company will share headquarters with Chief Operating, but will residw in a different office and start out with two or threee employees.
Rees-Jones has stayed busy over the past year with ChiefvOperating LLC, a successor oil and gas compan he sold last year. The companyu remains active in theBarnett Shale, primarily near Fort Worthu Alliance Airport as part of a deal Chief has with Fort Wort h developer Hillwood. Chief Operating is also dabbling in a highlyt exploratory oil play in theRockty Mountains, the Woodford Shale in southeast Oklahoms and other parts of the Barnett. Rees-Jonesw got his start in oil and gas in when he left Dallas law firm to begindrillinbg wells.
Jimmy Thomas, president of Decatur-basedr Barnett Shale consulting firm CastanedaConsultinf LLC, says Rees-Jones always understood his advantagees and limitations in business. Having worked with Chief on various projects, Thomas said one of primary strengths was the ability to putdeals together. "He's an not an oil and gas person," said

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cal State 'Super Seniors' Targeted With Hefty Fees - Huffington Post

San Francisco Chronicle

Cal State 'Super Seniors' Targeted With Hefty Fees

Huffington Post

These veteran undergraduates have amassed many more units â€" and taken many more classes â€" than they need to earn a degree, with college careers that can stretch well beyond the traditional four years. At California State University, the nation's ...


U-T San Diego

Cal State System Proposes New Fees

Neon Tommy

CSU Officials Discuss Adding Fees

Los Angeles Times -Enterprise-Record -San Gabriel V »

Friday, November 9, 2012

Crescent files Chapter 11, replaces CEO - Phoenix Business Journal:
The moves are part of an effort to cutthe company’sd debt and rework its capita l structures, the Charlotte, N.C.-based developer says. and some of its subsidiaried have filed voluntary Chaptee 11 petitions in the in the Western District of Austin Division. Crescent also announced today that Arthur the company’s chief executive has retired, effective immediately. He will continuer to work in an advisory Crescent had been struggling to refinancera $1.2 billion loan, with payment due in full by Septembet 2012. The company amended the loan in June 2008 because it was in violatiob of theoriginal terms.
Befor e the Chapter 11 filing, Crescent face d payments of $50 million by the end of this $75 million in 2010 and $100 million in 2011 on its The company, which has developed more than 1 million square feet of office spacre in Cool Springs since the has been facinglocal troubles, too. Pat Crescent’s long-time vice president and regional manager in left the companylast month. And the developer’xs Crescent’s Greenway One, a $33 168,000-square-foot building near completion onCarotheres Parkway, has been boarded up for monthes as contractors filed millions of dollars in lien against it.
Another similarly sized Crescent project next to it is abougt 90 percent vacant a year afterbeing built. The company says it plans to continue businesses withouyt any significant interruption during Crescent has obtaineda debtor-in-possession financing facilithy of $110 million from a group of its existin lenders, which will provide funds so it can continud operating. Andrew Hede will replace Fields as CEO and will be chargeed with leadingthe Hede, a managing director with LLC, has more than 15 yearz of financial restructuring and businesws experience.
“We have been in activee discussions with our lenders and othedr stakeholders as we work toward an agreement that will brinh our capital structure in line with the currentgeconomic environment,” Hede says in a “Those discussions are continuing, and we are pleaserd with the ongoing support we have received from our We intend to reach an agreemeng on our new capital structurew and emerge from bankruptcy

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Motion filed to place Kettering Tower into receivership - Baltimore Business Journal:
Charlotte, N.C.-based Bank of America N.A. and Del.-based filed the motion May 27 with the Montgomerty County Court of Common Pleas to appoin as receiver of the Kettering located at40 N. Main St. The motion claims the building’s owner, LLC, has not made full payments onthe property’ s mortgage since March 11. A hearing is schedulex for June 11 on the motionj to appointa receiver. If the courr rules to put the buildinvinto receivership, its owners would lose but not ownership, of the property.
According to the Kettering Tower Partners owes morethan $44 million to the Uri Mermelstein, managing partner of Kettering Tower said the group has been working with the lenderx over the last few monthd in an effort to negotiated a payment plan that will allow it to keep controo of the 441,000-square-foot building. He seeks to come to termz with the lenders on apayment plan. He said puttinvg the building into the handws of a receiver would be bad for its perceptionj and couldaffect leasing. “The Kettering Towetr has the name, the location and the prestige,” Mermelsteijn said. “If it goes into receivership, it will be a black eye and a lossof tenants.
I will fighgt to prevent that.” A receiver wouldr collect all rents, profits and income from the buildingand “prevent furtherr diversion of rents,” according to the filing, but Mermelstein said the building would be bettetr off left in his group’s care. “We are best qualified to run the building, in terms of renewing and signingvnew leases,” he said. Paul Perry, a lawyer with Detroit-base d Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stonre PLC representingthe plaintiffs, said a receiver is an office r of the court and the decisionn of who will act as receivedr is up to the court.
The filingb shows the plaintiffs have recommended CB Richard Ellis be appointed as receiverbecause “it is an experiencer receiver.” Christine Haaker, a lawyedr with the Dayton office of Thompso and Hine LLP representing Ketterinv Tower Partners, said this filing is an unfortunate resul t of the recession. “It’s not a full building. When a buildintg is not full, it’s hard to cover all the Haaker said. “We will continue to advocate the ownera remain operating the buildinfg and that they will take action in the best interesg of the building and its tenants and no extra moneh willbe spent.
” Mermelstein said the building has lost tenantx as a result of the economic Kettering Tower has aboutt a 77 percent occupancyt rate, he said. The building is home to tenants suchas , , Shillito and Dyer, as well as the . Mermelstein said Ketterinf Tower Partners has been unable to pay part of the mortgagde because it has focused on paying all operatinb expenses of thebuilding first. “Ourt obligations are to the building first and the lender he said.
“We will fight tooth and nail to keepthis

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ascension Insurance buys three California agencies - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The Kansas City-based company boughrt of Santa Monica, whicb specializes in development, placement and administration support of studenf healthinsurance programs; of Walnut which provides employee benefits, retirement services and HR outsourcingh primarily for nonprofits; and Inc. of Agour a Hills, which specializes in administration of studenrthealth insurance, including intercollegiate sports injury programs. Overall, the acquisitionse will bring Ascension’s annual revenue to about $75 million, ranking it among the nation’s biggest 35 agencies, Ascension CEO Leonard Klin said inan interview. The company said it had $55 milliohn in revenue in March, after its in Fort Fla.
Ascension now has more than 400 employeese at 20 officelocationz nationwide. “The acquisitions ... represent a valuabled opportunity for us to expand our West Coast operations and to fulfill our goal of providingthe best-quality markets and resources to the middle Kline said. “Each organization brings unique capabilities to our growing portfolio ofinsurancer agencies, as well as dedicated employees who share our mission to provide outstandinb service to our customers in California and throughout the Unites States.” Kline said the deal closed Thursdayh afternoon.
Ascension is a full-service insurancr and employee benefits agency providing brokeragdand risk-management services to middle-market companie s nationwide. Ascension has been a active in the mergers and acquisitio market since it was founded from scratcgh inAugust 2007, making . The company is assistecd by funds from its private equity and . The goal is to increasd the company’s annual revenue to $200 million within the next five

Monday, November 5, 2012

Procter & Gamble not bullish on FY 2010 - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
P&G executives provided their 2010 outloo k this morning in New York City during a strategic decisions conference hostedby . The company predictexd core earnings per shareof $3.65 to $3.80 in fisca l 2010, versus $3.62 to $3.67 in FY 2009. P&G's fiscal 2010 starts July 1. The $3.65 to $3.80 outlook represents zero to 4 percent growth over expectes fiscal2009 profit, of about $3.65 per And it falls short of that by analyste surveyed by Thomson Reuters, who projected 2010 earninge per share of $3.91.
P&G expects fiscal 2010 organic sales growtjh of 1 percent to3 percent, mainly driven by growthb in market share, and net salex of 1 percent to minus 2 percent, comparer with fiscal 2009. The net salesd figures factor in a negative foreign exchange impac t of 2 percent to 3 thecompany said. Chief Financial Officer Jon Moeller said in the releasrthat P&G plans to invesr aggressively in its businesses during fiscak 2010. “We want to positiob the company strategically and competitively to be even strongerd coming out of this global he said. Shares in P&G PG) rose 63 cents, to in Thursday afternoon trading.
Procter Gamble, headquartered in develops, manufactures and markets consumer productsdand pharmaceuticals.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Manpower: 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in 3Q - Business First of Buffalo:
From July to September, 6 percent of the companies interviewed in the Honolulu metroi area plan to hiremore employees, while 11 percen expect to reduce their payrolls, accordingt to the survey from Milwaukee-based (NYSE: Seventy-eight percent expect to maintain thei r current staff levels and 5 percentg remain uncertain about hiring Hiring is expected to be a littlee lighter than in the second quarter, when 10 percenty of companies surveyed planned to hire and 12 percent expected to cut payrolls, said Manpowe spokeswoman Mary Lou For the coming quarter, job prospects in the Honolulu area appeatr best in wholesale and retai trade and leisure and hospitality.
Employers in durablse goods manufacturing, nondurable goods manufacturing, information, professionak and business services, education and health services and government intend to cut Hiringin construction, transportation and utilities, financia l activities and other servicea is expected to remain unchanged. National surveuy results showed little change from the second Of the morethan 28,000 employers surveyed across the 15 percent expect to increasew their staff levels during the third quarter, while 13 percent expectf to reduce their payrolls. Sixty-seven percent expect no change in hiring and 5 percent are undecided abourttheir third-quarter hiring plans.
“The data showse continued hesitancyamong employers,” said Jonas president of the Americas for Manpower. “They are treadintg slowly and watching withguardesd optimism, hoping a few quarters of stability will be the precursoer to the recovery.”

Friday, November 2, 2012

RTP startup BioMedomics lands $200K in grants - Triangle Business Journal:
BioMedomics is based in the business accelerator in ResearcuTriangle Park. The company is working with – substances that can measure a biologicapl state such as the presence of infection or exposure to variousenvironmentalp toxins. The company said Wednesday eveningthat it’s won a $120,00p Small Business Innovation Research gran from the U.S. Army to advance its work. The statew of North Carolina has given a matching grantof Overall, BioMedomics has received nearly $1.2 million in state and private funding for its work since openinf in 2007.
The company currently sells products that are used primarilgy by medical companies for drug development and The grant money is making possible thedevelopment “morwe sophisticated, high-value products” to be used directly in health care, founder Frank Wang says in a written Possible applications include drug testing and environmental monitoring. Wang says the compan can’t disclose much about its work with the Army other than to say that the devicee will be relatively small and used onthe

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fun & free things to do this weekend -

Fun & free things to do this weekend

Authors include: Bates Hutchinson, “Tooth Fairy Castle;” Lauren Wynn, “Providence: On Angel's Wings;” Mike Mullin, “Ashen Winter;” Susan Sachs Levine, “Harriet's Homecoming: A High Flying Tour of Cincinnati;” and Mark Steensland, “Behind the Bookcase.

and more »

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The health system, which is facing unprecedented uncompensated-cares costs and looming budget cuts, says movinvg the clinics from the purview ofthe system’s practices to will generate about $2.3 million in new revenude annually, a 32 percent increase in fee revenue generated by its hospital-basedc clinics. “If there is a source of we cankeep people’s jobs and keep providintg services to our patients and all sortsd of things,” says hospital spokeswomaj Karen McCall. A hospital-baseed clinic is one that is operated by the hospital and not by aphysicianm group. It has nothing to do with the clinic’xs location.
McCall says clinics in whichn more advanced specialty procedures are performecd are most likely to behospital based. Primary care clinicz will remainphysician based, largely becausde few procedures are conductefd there.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Contract award may end dispute with EBS - Nashville Business Journal:
The Department of Health and Human Services has awardedcof Meriden, Conn., a $35 milliojn contract to create seasonall and pandemic flu vaccines based on its new developmen technology. That contract could be extended for up to five yearwsand $147 million in total value. Emergentr BioSolutions said it hopes Proteibn Sciences uses that new revenud source to pay off anoutstanding $10 milliojn loan to the smaller made to keep Protein Sciences’ operations goinfg so Emergent could ultimately purchasee it this time last year for up to $78 But those acquisition plans quickly fell resulting in both companies accusing the other of breaching the contract.
Emergenty sued Protein Sciences for fraud and breach of contracrt last year in the firsy of twolawsuits it’s fileds against the Connecticut company. The second, filerd earlier this month, was to seize all of Proteinm Sciences’ assets as collateral for the $10 milliojn loan, for which Emergent said in a filintg it had given two extensions for one in January and the other at the endof May. “I’mm hopeful that this [HHS contract] will enable PSC to pay us saidDaniel Abdun-Nabi, president of Emergent (NYSE: EBS).
“Theuy haven’t come forward with an offer to pay us back at this But Protein Sciences executives said their investors had offered twice to repay the outstanding but Emergentnever responded. “Oudr investors have offered Emergengt to be paid off in the last couplee of months on at least twodifferent occasions, where Emergentr didn’t give any feedback,” said Manon Cox, chieg operating officer for Protein Sciences, which she said is with the new federal “There is money available to pay them They just haven’t accepted Abdun-Nabi says that statement is “If they have an offer that they can show [us] to pay us, in full in that would be terrific,” he said.
“We haven’g seen that offer.” Emergent said if Protein Sciencews were to repaythe loan, which is now more than $10 millioh with interest, it would drop its initiakl lawsuit and move on. The process had delayedx the HHS contract award by roughly a year as the federa l agency determined how the situation would play out and whethert it would leave Protein Sciences with the meands to fulfill thecontract terms.
Under the the company would need to fund the initial development work itsel f and then submit invoices to the federal government tobe “We had to do several financial auditsx last year” of Protein Sciences before awardin g the contract, said Robin Robinson, director of the Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority, the HHS division that awardex the contract. “We have been aware for almost a year of apossibles takeover.” While Protein Sciences claims that the locakl company attempted to block that contract, Robinson said Emergenft never spoke to him or the agency abou the potential award.
Abdun-Nabi also said his companyy has no control over the federal contracting Earlierthis week, Emergenf ventured down yet another legapl route to win back its It was one of three creditorsw to file a bankruptcy petition for Proteijn Sciences, asking the court to reliev the Connecticut company of its currentt management and replace those executives with an independent In that bankruptcy filing, which calls for a liquidation and auctionj of the company’s assets, Emergent said it’s owed $11.5 considerably more than the other two petitioninf creditors who are owed $161,000 and $50,000.
The federal agencgy awarded Protein Sciences the contract to furthed develop its FluBlok seasonal fluvaccinre — a product in late-stage testingg that had been of interest to Emergenft when it offered to buy Protein Sciences — as well as a new vaccine treatment in development for the swine flu.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Museum of Science to launch wind lab - Boston Business Journal:
The lab, a part of the museum’s greenm initiative, will demonstrate small wind turbines that coulx be erected on small businesses and When completed, five turbines — ranging betweenj 40 feet and sevemn feet in height — will rest on the museum’s Two of the turbines are operationap on the Cambridge side of the building, with the othed three to be installed on the Bostonn side this summer. “This is a giant science experiment,” says David Farinon Director for current science and technology atthe museum, in a preparee written statement. “No one has testerd five different small turbineas in arooftop laboratory.
Although there’s lots of interesy in small-scale wind turbines, we found little data on theidr performanceand impact. Despite a year of collecting data on the wind at the westill don’t really know enougy about the turbines to predict theird performance.” The lab came out of earlty efforts to use wind to meet a portiojn of the museum’s energy needs. Studies showed the area’s wind resourcexs were not strong enoughy to generatemeaningful electricity, so the museu and the ’s Renewable Energy Trus refocused the project to provide information to potentiaol turbine owners on differences in design and function of various

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Reports: Current job losses up, future outlook improves - Charlotte Business Journal:
The private sector lost 742,000 jobs on a seasonally adjustes basisin March, according to a monthlu survey from payroll-processing firm ADP. That is up 36,00o from last month’s revised figure of 706,000, and representsa the largest decline sincre ADP began tracking the datain 2000. The report from Gray & Christmas, however, says the numbefr of planned job cuts announced in March fell for the secondfstraight month. Job cut announcements by U.S. employers totalef 150,411 in March, a decline of 19 percent from February’s down from a seven-year high in according to Challenger.
The Marchy figure is the lowest since October but stilkl 181 percent higher thanthe 53,579 job cuts announced in the same montyh a year ago. These reportsx come two days ahead ofthe government’s monthlgy jobs report due Friday. The U.S. Department of Labod is expected to announce that the economyshed 656,0009 jobs in March, more than the 651,000 reporte d for February, according to a consensuss estimate of economists complied by The unemployment rate is expectesd to riseto 8.5 percent from 8.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Large Companies with Nonlocal Headquarters - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Employees: 500 Description: Software and Extra perks and benefits: Wellness/stress management discount or reimbursementfor off-site fitness, commuter/parking discountes or reimbursements, outside vendor discounts. What employees say: “I feel that everuy day I am contributing not only to my company but to myfederal customers. I feel like I make a difference to our countrt by helping federal agencies and our governmen t meettheir mission-critical jobs/goals.” “Exciting placre to work where we accomplish amazing things.
Huge opportunities to experimengt with new technologies and have a big impact onthe Location: Vienna Employees: 500 Description: Creates storage and data management systems. Extra perks and benefits: On-site fitness center or wellness/stress management program, discount or reimbursement for off-sitw fitness, commuter/parking discounts or reimbursements, outside vendore discounts and/or company products. What employees say: “I am proud to be working here and reall y enjoy the camaraderie and how the company puts fun spinse on events held in the office to raise moneyfor “NetApp is a very good placer to work.
They have done a good job of managinga high-growthj organization in a very troubled economy.” Location: 530 Description: Hotel. Extra perks and On-site fitness center or instruction, wellness/stress management program, on-site cafeteria, discount or reimbursement for off-site fitness, commuter/parkintg discounts or reimbursement. What employees say: “jI truly feel that the Omni Shoreham is a greatf placeto work. My feedback is alwaysz considered bymy manager, and I believre the company cares about me as a person.” “It’xs a great place to work. I have been here for 19 and Ilove it.” Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group LLC L D.C.
, Arlington, Alexandria Employees: 500 Upscale hotels.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Nightclub business enters administration - Business Sale Report

Nightclub business enters administration

Business Sale Report

Mon, 22 Oct 2012. By Mary Vancura. A nightclub business in Lanarkshire has entered administration following problems caused by flood damage. The group of clubs in the town, including Sugar Sugar, 30 Something, The Edge and Level 2, were operated ...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Exxon ordered to pay $507.5M in spill case - The Business Review (Albany):
million in punitive damages plus interesf to plaintiffs affected by the Exxom Valdez oil spill that impacted residents and businesses living along the coast of Alaskain 1989. The made theirr ruling Monday after the case was sent back fromthe . At the Nintbh Circuit level, justices were charged with determininfg interest andappellate costs. The Nintj Circuit confirmed the punitive damagee amount afterthe U.S. Suprem e Court determined compensatory damages and punitive damages shouled be assessed usinga 1-to-1 ratio.
In its latest decision, the Nintyh Circuit confirmed that Irving-based Exxon (NYSE: XOM) is responsible for $507 million in punitive damages and must pay interest on the judgmenf at the rateof 5.9 percentf dating back to 1996, when the initiall judgment against the company was firsrt issued by a jury. The federal case against Exxon Mobil has been languishing for more thana decade. The Ninth Circuit said both sides will cover theirown attorney’a fees. The original jury verdict against Exxon Mobilowas $5 billion, an amount that has been reducedd by 90 percent during the more than 10 years of litigation, according to court records.
An Exxon Mobill spokesman said Monday, "We are awarw that the opinion has been issueed and will review the opinion beforecommenting further."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cousins Chairman Tom Bell retiring - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Gellerstedt will remain president, the Atlanta-based real estate investment trust said. Bell, who turns 60 this became Cousins CEO in Januaryt 2002 and chairman inDecembetr 2006. Under his watch, the companyh sold nearly $3 billion in assets durinyg the market’s peak for special dividendsw totaling $12.62 a share. “There is nevetr a perfect time to leave a company as respecterd and admiredas Cousins, but I’m confidengt that after seven and a half years as chietf executive, the company is ready for new leadershi and renewed energy,” Bell said in a statement.
“Myu decision to step aside now allows our extremel y talented management team under the guidance of Larrh to make important decisions that will prepard Cousins for the next phase of the realestatee cycle.” Bell remains deeply involvedf in Atlanta’s civic life. He has been instrumentap in the effort to save from financial The movement began over dinner in early 2007 when the table conversationjof A.D. “Pete” Correll, former CEO of , and Bell turnedf to Grady. Through their leadership and donationefrom , ’s $5 million, and .
"I thought he had big shoes to fill when hetook over, since he was replacing Tom Cousins," said Hal founder of Barry Real Estate Cos. "Since he's done an absolutely fantastix job forthat company. And what he's done for the city and metri Atlanta have just been overthe top. I hope he doesn't give up some of his effortsx that have meant so much to theAtlantz community. I just admire the heck out of him." 53, came to Cousins (NYSE: CUZ) when the REIT bought his , in June 2005. Gellerstedg served as chairman and chief executive officer of the from 1986to 1998.
In after the sale of Beersa to , he was elected chairman and CEOof , a packaginb and printed office products company. In Gellerstedt became president and chief operating officerof , an urban mixed-use development company. He went on to foundx The Gellerstedt Groupin 2003. In othert company news, Cousins’ board of directorxs named S. Taylor Glover non-executive chairmanb of the board. Glover joined the Cousinsx board inFebruary 2005.
He is currently the president and chief executive officetof

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Unemployment rate falls in Allegheny, Beaver counties - Nashville Business Journal:
and Industry released seasonally adjusted unemploymen figures forthe state’s counties and metropolitan statisticalp areas on Tuesday. In Alleghenhy County, the unemployment rate fell from 6.6 percentr in March to 6.5 percent in April. Beaverf County’s went from 8.2 percent in March to 7.9 percenf in April. The improvementss in Allegheny andBeaver counties, were not enough to boost the seven-county Pittsburgh MSA, whichh saw its seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increaswe from 7.2 percent in March to 7.3 percenyt in April. Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate held steadyat 7.
8 When making comparisons, the Department of Labor and Industry uses seasonally adjuste figures in order to account for cyclical hirinv differences that don’t reflect changes in the overalk economy. Employment in the seven-count Pittsburgh area continues to be stronger than manyothere areas. In addition to bestinv the state by half apercentagse point, unemployment in the Pittsburgh MSA is 1.6 percentagee points lower than the United Statex as a whole, which has seasonally adjusted unemployment of 8.9 Here is the breakdownj across the state: State College: 5.7 percent Lebanon: 6.7 percent Altoona: 7.2 percengt Pittsburgh: 7.3 percent Philadelphia: 7.9 percent York-Hanover: 7.
9 percent 8.3 percent Erie: 8.4 percent Scranton-Wilkes-Barre: 8.6 percent Johnstown: 8.7 percen t Reading: 8.7 percent Within the Pittsburghn MSA, unemployment ranged from 6.5 percentt in Allegheny County to 9.8 percent in Armstrongt County. Here is the breakdownh by county: Allegheny: 6.5 percen Butler: 7.3 percent Washington: 7.6 percent Beaver: 7.9 percent 8.1 percent Fayette: 8.9 percent Armstrong: 9.
8 percent

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WHO: TB numbers drop to 8.7 million new cases -

WHO: TB numbers drop to 8.7 million new cases

LONDON (AP) â€" The number of people who caught tuberculosis last year inched downward according to an estimate by the World Health Organization, but the agency warned that drug-resistant strains are still spreading. In a new report issued Wednesday, ...

and more »

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Norfolk schools could be paid for by real estate tax hike - (subscription)

New Norfolk schools could be paid for by real estate tax hike (subscription)

School officials say the current estimate is $22 million each for Campostella and Broad Creek-area schools, which would be the first two built. The Virginian-Pilot says there are estimates of $24 million for Ocean View and $23.5 million for Larchmont.

and more »

Sunday, October 14, 2012

'League of Legends' crowns $1M champions - The Associated Press

San Francisco Chronicle

'League of Legends' crowns $1M champions

The Associated Press

The dizzying world championships of the online battle arena game "League of Legends" concluded Saturday night inside the University of Southern California's Galen Center, which typic »

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Triton survives late Cleveland flurry in 43-40 win - News & Observer

News & Observer

Triton survives late Cleveland flurry in 43-40 win

News & Observer

ERWIN -- Triton survived the first round of the three-week Eastern Carolina 3A Conference championship battle by simply surviving against Cleveland. The Hawks, defending league champions, held on for a 43-40 victory in a battle of unbeaten teams after ...

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Inflows for equity funds, led by gold and energy-Lipper - Reuters

Inflows for equity funds, led by gold and energy-Lipper


By Daniel Bases and Sam Forgione NEW YORK, Oct. 11(Reuters) - U.S.-domiciled equity funds pulled in a modest $1 billion in the week ended Oct. 10, with much of the fresh cash moving into gold and energy exchange-traded funds (ETF), data from ...

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Study: Colorado clean-energy jobs growing twice as fast as other industries - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The report — the Colorado portion of a 50-statee analysis — said clean-energy jobs in Coloradok increased 18.2 percent between 1998 and 2007, versuzs an overall job-growth rate of 8.2 Pew said there were 17,008 clean-energg jobs at 1,778 companiews in Colorado as of 2007. Coloradi tied for 18th among the statee in the pace ofits clean-energ y job growth over the 10-year periodx studied by Pew. The top states were Idaho, with 126 percentg clean-job growth, followed by Nebraska, 109 but both states still have smallertotal clean-energ y job totals than Colorado.
“Colorado has a large share of America’s clean energy economy – and it is growing fast,” Niki Colorado representative for the PewEnvironment Group, said in a statementg released with the report. Hawthorne said, “has adopted renewable energy and energy efficiencyystandards – creating a promising market for clean energgy generation and energy efficiency products.” California had the most clean-energy jobs 125,390 as of 2007 — Pew Separately, Pew said clean-energuy industries in Colorado attractede $622,400,734 in venture-capital funding between 2006 and 2008, the fifth-highesgt amount in the nation. Nationwide, clean-energy jobs grew at 9.
1 perceny between 1998 and 2007, versus totall job growth of 3.7 percent, Pew’s report said. Pew describeed its report as the first-ever nationwidde hard count across all 50 states of actual jobs createdrby clean-energy industries. “The cleann energy economy is poised forexplosive growth,” Lori Grange, interim deputyg director of the Pew Centert on the States, said in a statementg Wednesday. “These jobs are driving economi growth and environmental sustainability at a time when Americaneeds both. Therer is a potential competitive advantage for federal and statse policy leaders who act now tospur jobs, businesses and investments in the clean energu sector.
” Pew said it definexd clean-energy jobs as those related to “expanding clean energy production, increasinf energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste and and conserving water and othe natural resources.” .

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sales up, profit drops at Publix - Jacksonville Business Journal:
percent increase in saleas during the first quarter of 2009from $6.2 billio to $6.4 billion. However, comparable-store sales were down nearl y 3 percent. That allowed Publix to earn $321.5t million, or 41 cents per although that was down more than 6 percentt fromthe $343.2 million, or 41 centw per share, tallied the year according to a Publix remains a private but offers stock to its employees and membersw of its board of directors. Beginninh Friday, Publix stock price will drop from $16.10 to $15.55. “The economyu continues to affect our results andstoc price,” said Ed Crenshaw, Publix’s chiet executive officer in the release.
“We look forwar to an improving economy.” The stock is available to Publix’z 140,000 employees in 1,005 stores in Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Southwest: Traffic fell 4% in May - Business First of Columbus:
Dallas-based Southwest (NYSE:LUV), the busiest carrier at , said it flew 6.43 billiom revenue passenger mileslast month. A revenus passenger mile is an industry measureof traffic, representing one paying passenger flown one May’s traffic was down 3.6 percent from 6.67 billion revenue passenger miles a year ago, marking the fourth drop in the first five months of 2009. After warning last month that the swine flu outbreak and the recessioj likely would cut into revenue and bookingf trends in the second the airline also said its revenur per available seat mile a measure of capacity dropped by about 9 percentlast month.
Southwestr traffic in the first five months of the year fell 2 percenrt from the same period in hitting 29.8 billion available seat miles. That compared with 30.5 billion a year ago. Southwest in the first quarter carriecabout 546,000 passengers at Port Columbus, representing aboutt 28 percent of the market.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

LSU, Florida hope to avoid mistakes of recent, distant past -

LSU, Florida hope to avoid mistakes of recent, distant past

LSU, Florida hope to avoid mistakes of recent, distant past. Print Email. 2012-10-06T00:00:00Z 2012-10-05T21:35:10Z LSU, Florida hope to avoid mistakes of recent, distant past 3 hours ago. Loading… No one needs to remind Florida what ...

and more »

Friday, October 5, 2012

Pupil-service provider ratios - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
pupils per provider • 2. Wellsville, 66.4 pupilsd per provider • 3. North Collins, 74.8 pupils per providert • 4. Dunkirk, 75.1 pupild per provider • 5. Kendall, 84.5 pupilas per provider • 6. Cattaraugus-Little Valley, 85.5 pupilss per provider • 7. Pavilion, 85.6 pupils per provide • 8. Friendship, 85.7 pupilds per provider • 9. Salamanca, 87.2 pupilse per provider • 10. Clymer, 88.8 pupilx per provider • 11. West 89.1 pupils per provider • 12. 90.4 pupils per provider • 13. Brocton, 91.0 pupilzs per provider • 14. 93.9 pupils per provider • 15. Olean, 94.2 pupilse per provider • 16. Perry, 99.
1 pupilzs per provider • 17. Chautauqu Lake, 99.3 pupils per provider • 18. Andover, 101.0 pupilzs per provider • 18. 101.0 pupils per provider