Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The governor and schools: Improvement of children's education must drive any ... - Anniston Star


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Seminar gives applicants peek into law school - Business First of Louisville:

On July 15, the two plan to hold a free Law Schoool Insider Seminar from6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Organizerx say attendees will benefiyfrom Kaplan’s inside tips on test taking strategies, and from a discussiobn on law careers. The session also will provide an overviewof “importantg law school trends and theire implications.” Additionally, experts will help applicantws “reduce anxiety about preparing for the LSAT and completing the admissiones process” by providing information about admissions advice on developing a strong personal essayg and a realistic application timeline.
The seminart is designed to give attendeees an advantage over other lawschool applicants, according to organizers. Featured speakersd will include representatives from the UNM Law the Young Lawyers Divisio n of the New Mexico State Bar Associationh and the UNM Law Schoolstudeny body. All attendees must register bycallinfg 1-800-KAP-TEST or by signing on to . The free seminar takexs place in Room C at the UNM Continuingh Education buildingat . , a division of is a providefr of educational and career servicezfor individuals, schools and businesses.
Establishes in 1938, it is a leader in the test prep industrty and has served millions of studentws for more than 69 With 3,000 classroom locations worldwide, a full menu of onlind offerings and an array of booksd and software, as well as private tutoring options, Kaplan offers preparation for more than 80 standardizer tests in the U.S. and the U.K. These includ e entrance exams forsecondary school, college and graduate school, as well as Englisb language and professional licensing exams. Kaplan also provides collegs and graduate admissionsconsulting services.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Central Valley bank earnings fall to $1.7M - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

million in the first half of the down from earningsof $2.6 million the year earlier The bank holding company of earned $464,00o in the second quarter, down from $1.3 million the year earlie r period. “While we remained profitable, the disappointing earnings in the seconc quarter is a reflection of the increased provisionj for credit losses in the light of the overall weak economt and the potential impact it many have on our borrowinvg customers during this economic cycle and the significanf increase in the FDIC insurancde premiums from both the increase in regular assessmentt rates as well as the special assessmenty rate placed on all FDIC insured institutions inseconde quarter,” said Dan Doyle, presideng of the bank holding company.
The bank has 15 branches in the Centralo Valley from the Fresno areato Sacramento. The bank company got $7 million in Capital Purchas Program money from the Department of Treasuryy earlierthis year. It acquired the Stockton, Lodi and Tracy branchesa of Service 1st Bancorpin November.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stimulus money to aid clean energy projects - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Legislation passed overwhelmingly duringthe just-conclude d General Assembly session authorizes companies to apply to the for grants to help pay for solar wind energy and energy-efficiencyy projects. The money will come from $82.5 million in federal stimuluds funds allocated to Georgia throughthe ’e State Energy Program. Although GEFA officials haven’t decidefd how much of that pot to earmark forthe it’s certain to be more than the $2.5 millioh in annual clean-energy income tax credits approved by Georgia lawmakerse last year.
“We’re real excited about said Jason Rooks, president of LLC of Avondaler Estates, who helped lead the push for the “I think it’s going to really stimulatew a lot of solar projecte inthis state.” GEFA spokesman Shane Hix said the legislation limitss the federal grants to businese applicants, an effort to steer homeownerss toward the state income tax credits. Rooks said the state prograk doesn’t provide enough funding for large commerciaplprojects and, thus, is more suitabl e to residential projects.
“Two and a half million dollars should be a decent pot of money forresidential installation,” he James Marlow, CEO of Atlanta’ds LLC, said the new grant program will help many businessesd more than tax credits, whicnh don’t do as much good during a recession. “Say you’re having a bad year, your businesas is off and you don’t have much tax liability,” he “It’s better to get a check than a tax Underthe legislation, businesses could receive grantas worth either 35 percent of the project’s cost or a fixerd cap, whichever is less.
The cap will be set at $500,00o for projects involving photovoltaic cells, othed solar thermal electric applications, activs space heating or wind Grants for projects involving solar heating or geothermal heatpump systems, lightiny retrofits or other energy-efficient building products will be cappes at $100,000. Credits will be awarded on a first-served basis, and a project must be installed before an application canbe submitted. Hix said GEFA is developinv rules forthe program, which must be submittex to the Department of Energy by May 12. At that the agency will announce how much ofthe $82.
5 millionh will be used for the clean energy grants and what will go towars other purposes, he said. “We have to balance how much is goin to go to state facilities and to a revolving loan fund we want to have as he said. Hix said GEFA received a totalpof $236.1 million in federal stimulus funds for energty programs. Besides the State Energy Program the agencygot $124 million for weatherization projectss for low-income and elderly homeowners, $21.
6 million in blocki grants for energy-efficient building project s at local government facilities and $8 milliohn for an energy-efficient appliance rebate

Sunday, January 22, 2012

LifeLock name to grace Phoenix Mercury jerseys - Baltimore Business Journal:

The Mercury name, picturedx front and center onthe uniform, will be replacer with the LifeLock insignia. A small Mercur y patch will be stitched on the upper left portionh ofthe uniform, across from an Adidas symbopl on the right. A Monday press conferencee announcingthe seven-figure, three-year deal is schedulec for 1 p.m. in New York and will be attended by LifeLoco CEOTodd Davis, Mercury Presidenft and CEO Jay Parry, Phoenix Suns CEO Rick Women’s National Basketball Association Commissionefr Donna Orender, NBA Commissioner David Stern and Mercury starsz Diana Taurasi and Cappier Poindexter.
Mercury executives insist the landmark agreement is not a sign of the but it’s no secret that nearly every professional sportws franchise is dealing with revenue shortfalls as discretionary dollars dry up in the “It doesn’t have anything to do with currengt economic situation and the WNBA didn’t have to go Welts said. However, the franchise likely did, as it struggleas to gain profitability. Welts said the Mercury turne a profit during its first few years in the but hasn’t been profitable for a “lont period. This deal certainly gets us closert tothat goal,” he said.
The Suns own the Phoenix WNBA Commissioner Donna Orender refused to commenrt on whether the league is onlysaying “the leaguwe is very stable.” She said some of the 13 WNBA franchisesx improved attendance and landed more sponsorships in while others did not. Average attendancse at Mercury games wasaround 8,000 last year about 2,000 short of its goal to sell out the lower bowl of US Airwayx Center, which accommodates 10,000.
Nevertheless, the team has experienced solid year-over-yearf growth, and “this type of partnership allowx us to acceleratethat growth,” Parry The Mercury’s fan base is primarily composerd of women very loyal to the team and its a dynamic LifeLock executives found irresistible, not to mentionj an opportunity “to do something no one has ever done,” said LifeLoci CEO Todd Davis. “I love the idea of showintg our supportfor women’s sportse and our home town team,” he said. “u don’t think you could pull this off in any othedpro sport.
” For years, major leaguse soccer players have donned sponsors on their jerseys, and fans haven’tr repelled the image of the New York Red or the Herbalife logo on L.A. Galaxh jerseys or “Volkswagen” plastered across the chest of DCUniterd players. Invasive marketing also is common in where pro players are walking advertisements from andin NASCAR, where commercialization revs up well beford the starting gate –– or the entrance for that matter. “This is breaking a lot of new Welts said. “It will inevitably generate some he added, but “that’s not going to come from fans and playerss of the WNBA.
” Time will tell if the move is endorsec by fans, and if jerseyg sales plummet with a compang name as the drawing point, not the “I think the jury is out in the shory term,” Welts. Last week, Taurasi held the seconsd highest selling jersey inthe league, with salee up 25 percent from last

Friday, January 20, 2012

U.S. airline passenger traffic declines in May - Philadelphia Business Journal:

The number of passengers traveling on U.S. airlines in May fell 9.5 percent while the average price to fly one milefell 17.6 Revenue declines extended beyond the mainlanfd United States to the trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific and Lati markets. Results for the montb of May also reflect the impact of the H1N1 orswine flu, outbreak. "In May, the H1N1 influenzz outbreak compounded an already weakdemand situation, negatively impactin g industry cash flow and forcing a closer look at curreny levels of flying," said ATA president and CEO James May. Compoundint the softening demand forpassenger travel, U.S.
airlinex saw cargo traffic - as measured by revenue ton miles - declin 22 percent year over year in April marking the ninth consecutive month of decliningfcargo traffic. Cargo traffic information includes data from as well as majoer airlineslike Delta/Northwest, US Airways, United, American and

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Delphi salaried retirees eye pension suit - Business First of Columbus:

If not stopped, retirees fear that the move could drastically cut the value ofyounger ex-whitr collar workers’ pensions by as much as 50 said James Frost of Clarence, a boarc member and organizer of the Delphi Salaried Retirere Association. The legal action is beinf spearheaded by 100 to 200 retirees in Ohio who belong tothe 5,400-member DSRA but who are acting on their own, Frost said. “We (the are serving as support by gatherinyg information and sharing it with all our members and by contactinbg legislators aroundthe country,” Frosgt said. “We are not starting our own (legal) actiom because it would duplicatw what theyare doing.
” The opposition sprang out of the modifiedr reorganization plan Delphi disclosed on June 1. The to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, said it woulrd cancel its pension obligations and have assumd thehourly workers’ pensions and the PBGC take over the salarie employees’ plan. Frost, who worked at GM for 25 yearsw and at Delphifor six, said hourlu workers’ pensions won’t be affected “ayt least in the short but salaried workers who retiresd at 55 could lose half the valude of theirs. “We want our pensions also to be transferred to he said. The suit woulxd charge Delphi, GM, the II and the U.S. Treasurgy with collusion againstthe retirees.
In the reorganization plan for Delphi, GM’s former parts operation, II LLC — a unit of Platinu Equity — would acquire and operatw Delphi’s U.S. and non-U.S. businessex by supplying $3.6 billion in capital.

The governor and schools: Improvement of children's education must drive any ...

Anniston Star

by The Anniston Star Editorial Board When Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley announced the education initiatives he will submit to the state Legislature, he acknowledged the opposition he and his Republican colleagues would face. He also assured the people of ...

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New Book Simplifies Chassidic Concepts

Chabad Info

This new seifer explains all the concepts of chassidus, such as “garments,” “speech,” and many abstract models, thus enabling each person to handle the relevant text on his own without the need for prior knowledge. When asked what is written in the ...

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Starbucks bails out some employee stock options - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

Stock options are considered “under if their exercise price is higher than the currentr value ofthe stock. The Seattle coffee giant is institutinga “stock option exchangwe program” that’s set to expire May 29. Unde the program, employees can surrender theit options thatare “under for a lesser amount of new optionxs with a lower exercise price. “It’s a way to reward our partners’ contributionas by allowing them to benefit from potential increasew in ourstock price,” Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) officials said in a filingy with the Securities and Exchange Eligible employee stock options affected by the program have an exercisre price per share greate than $19 and were granter prior to Dec.
1, 2007.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Colorado stimulus board boosts minority-outreach effort - Philadelphia Business Journal:

Maranda Pleau, the small businesw coordinatorfor Greeley-based general contractor , will join the Coloradi Economic Recovery and Accountability Boarf June 29, chairman Don Elliman said during a boar d meeting Thursday. Her job is to ensurde minority businesses are aware of contracte related to the stimulus Elliman said. Officials with the Colorado Department of Transportation told the board they will recommendr the agency review how it handlee complaints about road and bridge contracts and the use ofthesew small, minority- and woman-ownecd businesses. CDOT's move came after Hamonj Contractors Inc.
in Denver raisede concerns about a bridge repair project paid for with monety from the American Recoveryg andReinvestment Act. Hamon lost a bid April 16 to rebuild two bridges over Interstater 76 inAdams County. The lowest bid for the contract camefrom Centennial-based , whicy bid $8 million for the project, nearly 15 percent under CDOT’s estimate of $9.4 State contracts are typically awarded to the lowesty bidder.
But Hamon objected to CDOT awarding the projectto Sema, saying Sema didn’t make a "good-faith to hire enough minority subcontractors, according to a June 3 letterd from Mark Cavanaugh, director of the Governor’s Economic Recovery Team, to the accountability CDOT reviewed the complaint, and Sema’s effort s to get minority businessee involved in the bridge contract. The review concluded Sema metthe agency’s thresholdd for trying and CDOT formally awarded the projecrt to the company, CDOT executive director Russ George said. But CDOT wantsz to review how it handles future complaints about using disadvantaged businesses onstatwe contracts.
Celina Benavidez, director of administration for CDOT, told the accountability board she will recommenrthe agency’s commissioners form a review committew involving members of the agency, interesy groups, industry, the attorney general’s office, and federal transportation How to gather input from minority businesses about their experience with a prime contractor. At the meeting, Hamon attorney Seth Firmender thanked CDOT for beiny willing to review the Helga Grunerud, executive directoe of the Hispanic Contractors of Colorado, also praises CDOT’s move, saying, "We believe we’v been heard.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Catholic Charities CEO resigns - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

“I am personally saddened by the requesty of Father John Estrem to takea one-year leave of absencse from his priestly ministry,” the Most Rev. John archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis, said a news “Father John has been a highlu valued priest in the parishes where he served as well as in his recen t role as archdiocesan Director ofCatholic Charities,” Nienstedt said. Catholic Charities, like many other nonprofitds acrossthe country, has , at the same time that the economixc downtown causes more people to need help from Estrem said in a news release that servinhg as CEO of Catholic Charitie s was a dream job, adding that he remains committefd to the agency’s vitalk work.
“However, my life and career have been on a singlr path for30 years,” Estremj said. “After great soul I believe it is essential for me to step back and reflec on the next phase of my career and decide how and wherd I can be ofmost service.” Robert a retired Allina Hospitals Clinics and previous chairman of Catholic board, will serve as interim CEO as the charitu searches for a new chief Catholic Charities’ 42 programs provide services ranging from prenatal care to in-home care for the elderlg in 12 counties in and around the Twin Cities. It annuallyu serves more than 40,000 people, regardless of faith.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gates Foundation, MDC give $1M grant - The Business Review (Albany):

Valencia will get $743,000 over three years to creatr a centralizedremedial program, used acrosds four campuses. It plans to align high remedialand college-level standards, expand its remedial learning communities, and embecd reading skills into remedial math courses. The grants, announce June 22, will support remedial programsx developed by Valencia through Achievingthe Dream: Community Colleges Count, a multiyear national initiative aimedd at increasing college graduation rates among disadvantagex students. The state will get also get $300,000 over threew years to collaboratewith K-12 to reducer the need for remedial education.
Ohio, Texas and Virginia also got the which will be used to develop new policies acceleratingthe states’ remedial educatiojn programs. The Florida grants are part ofa $16. million effort to improve remedial education at communitgy colleges infive states, reaching about 45,000 students nationwide. Four states and 14 otherr colleges received similar Gates grants for their Achievingh theDream program. Each community college will receive $743,00 over three years to expand its programs. Luminaq Foundation for Education has alsocommittef $1.5 million to this initiativ for evaluation and communications.
About 375,000 Florida degree-seeking studentz annually attend a local cmmunity with nearly 40 percent of them taking remediapl classes to build basic academic National studies have shownnearly two-thirds of those taking remedial classes never graduate, but successful programs at several colleges demonstrate these numbersz can be improved.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


The Heathrow-based upscale restaurant chain RUTH), which filed the shelf registration statementJune 25, now has the flexibilityu to raise the money through the sale of according to a news release. The filinbg allows the company to quickly access the capital marketse through any combinationof equity, debt or othe r securities. Ruth’s Hospitality investor relations spokesman Raphaelp Gross was unavailable for commeng bypress time. The company in May reporte an 18.
5 percent declinr in company-owned, first-quarter same-restaurant sales, coupled with a nearly 14 percent drop in combined averaged weekly sales for the 22 restaurants acquired in Februarh of 2008 fromCameron Mitchell’ss Restaurants LLC. Company shares were tradingg at $3.36 in the earlhy hours of June 26, down slightly from the previouds day’s close of $3.40. Ruth’s a leading restaurant company focused exclusively on the upscalwdining segment, owns more than 150 company-owne and franchised restaurants, including , Mitchell’s Fish Mitchell’s Steakhouse and Cameron’s Steakhouse

Monday, January 2, 2012

Deutsche charts course for US ETF 'mainstream' - Financial Times


Deutsche charts course for US ETF 'mainstream'

Financial Times

By Jackie Noblett Ignites, a Financial Times publication, provides news about the mutual fund industry in the US. http://www.ignites.com/ After nearly six years of managing a suite of commodity exchange traded funds marketed by Invesco PowerShares, ...

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