Monday, November 1, 2010

Derek Schiller - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
As senior vice president for sales and Schiller is responsible for allthe sales, marketing and businese functions of the Atlanta including ticket sales and operations, corporat sales, public relations, community affairs, broadcastingh and the related major revenuee functions of the Atlanta Braved organization. Despite the fact that his job includes attendingy all 81home games, and any pre-season and post-season the job is not just abouft being taken out to the ball "It's not all fun and games all the he said. "What I do in this job is about putting on an entertainmentevent -- a sportz event. It's one of the few jobs that you are emotionallytconnected to.
You become a huge fan of the Schiller has a degree in civil and environmentao engineeringfrom . "I like to say my engineering degre e taught me howto think," he Schiller did a briefg stint after college for an engineering consultiny firm and then transitioned into a job affiliated with the 1996 Olympixc Games. After that he went to a job with the and then came to Atlantza withthe . "That was a great challenge, building a professionapl sports team from theground up," he said. "It was a great experience for me. When I came there were roughlythree employees. Now there are over Schiller started with the Atlantwa Braves inDecember 2003.
Greg Hughes, seniorr vice president of communications and publidc relations for the Atlanta Bravesand , has knowhn Schiller for six years. "I wouldx say Derek is a smartluaggressive person," Hughes said. "Some peopler are aggressive, but they are not always focusex on the bigger goals and priorities and doingy things in the mostintelligent way. He can be smart abouy what he is doing and aggressive at thesame

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