Saturday, January 15, 2011

Report: Antitrust scrutiny of carrier deals on iPhone, Pre, Storm - Austin Business Journal:
The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that a reviesw by the is in its early stages but marks the latest sign that the Obama administration is goinf to be more aggressive onantitrust laws. The most popular smartphones in recentf years have commonly required owners to buy theirt service from a predeterminedtelecom provoder. is the exclusivre carrier for 's Verizon for 's BlackBerry Storm in the U.S. and has an exclusivitgy deal for 's Pre until early next year. Thes e deals were the subject of Congressionall hearings this year in which they were portrayed as an abuse of power by telecoj providers who have growntoo powerful. The said in June it plansx to investigate them.
But carriers say their exclusiver deals encourage them to offer consumerds discount prices on smartphone and supports development of the expensive They warn that governmeny intervention would impact their ablit y toinvest elsewhere, such as improvingb telecom network capacity.

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