Wednesday, September 5, 2012

CU-Boulder lab lands $42M NASA space-sensor contract - Denver Business Journal:
The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physicsw at CU will build the Total and Spectraol SolarIrradiance Sensor, or TSIS, to fly on one of the Nationalo Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System satellites that have been plannedx for 15 years. The satellite systej is a joint governmentr project of the National Oceanic andAtmosphericc Administration, the Department of Defense and NASA.
Northrup Grumman is the lead contractor onthe project, and Boulder-bases is a sub-contractor building a test satellite for the The TSIS sensor is only one of the NPOESSe instruments being built by a university, CU said in its It was among several features of the NPOESaS system to be stricken over the years in budget-cutting movea only to be restored later. NOAA pumped $74 milliojn in stimulus funding into TSIS and another NPOESS sensofrto jump-start their development and prevent delaysa in the ultimate collection of climatew data of the satellite system. Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colorado, was chairmanm of a U.S.
House Representativez aerospace committee when some of the NPOESeS program changes werebeing debated. On Friday, he praisedx the announcement the sensor will be built and hailed the job creatiojn it will lead to in Colorado because CU was chosen forits development. “Without the sensor we woulsd have losta 30-year record of crucial weather and climate data,” Udall’s said in a written “There was a time when it was unclear whethert this sensor would ever be built, so I am especially pleased to hear this

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