Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Apart from the pack: What gives successful job seekers their advantage - bizjournals:

For some it begins in high schookl math class and spreads to thefootballk field. For others it can be seen on thedancs floor. People balk and then trudge throughthose activities, whichu seem to be difficult for and then they strategicallyy arrange their lives to avoid them forever. It’s easy enough. We majort in communications, play tennis instead of football, and nevefr ever step onto a dance floor. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for a job At some point – and, statistically, more than once we’ll be at the starting Recently I found myself coaching a Central Ohio chietinformation officer, cut loose due to a companyh acquisition.
Within three weeks, two companies and a previouse employer had shown an interestin him, and he was able to leveragse a lucrative job offer from his first Oh, he was a strong candidate, but the spee d with which his opportunities came intrigue d me. Why him while so many other good candidateas struggle in the job market That prompted me to look at the othed jobwinners I’d seen in the past nine that period when the job market was at its toughest point, and the findings are Natural job search talent wasn’t a factoe for those who had landed work; rather, here’s what those quicki to be hired have in common: Networks intact: Thesee folks were known throughout theie professional and social communities.
Neither theird communications abilitiesnor job-skill levels was Some were introverts. But they likedx to gather with others to discuss hedge fundsand crankshafts. They communicated the old-fashionexd way; they held meetings at Panera, Starbucks or the Others worked at the churchfood pantry, taught Sundau School and coached soccer. They were and in some cases their comradews immediately came to them with potentia l leadsand contacts.
Leadership personas: Beforre entering their searches, all of the quick-to-be-hired demonstrateds leadership characteristics, and they carried them directlyy into the job search I found some of thesecandidates weren’gt even in leadership positions, but they displayed a determination in their job search that reflected a take-charge persona. they showed no self-doubt and forgee ahead. Always. They were self-motivated. If asked, they all experiencec encouraging mentor relationships or hadrole models. They’ds all had great support systems, for years.
Herd mentality: Afteer becoming an ardent careerblog reader, one client bemoaned that after a mere two the experts and gurus all advised the same activitiees and there was nothing new he hadn’t alreadty read and wasn’t prepared to implement. I was in totak agreement. Most candidates read and do. Then they read and Job seekers want to be told whatto do, and like birdsx flying south for the winter, they all race in the same directiom to do the same things. Then they wonder why they don’tr get hired. What do job winners do? They treart their search for employment likedetective work. They create a plan based on what they want and undertake a seriousjob hunt.
They don’ race for the same openings they saw on Presentation preparation: This represents the biggest disconnect betweenb those who conduct well-prepared searches and those who flounder. Qualificationes and job experience notwithstanding, pre-presentation is the biggest initia equalizer because too manycandidates aren’t compelled to take the Those who won job offers were very If you called, they had a professional voicemail phon message.
If they answered, even from their boats on the lake, they conductedf themselves as though they were They wouldn’t think of using a resume templatse or copying their neighbor’s cover letter becausee they realized that their power lies in theire individuality and past They refused to be standardized and that’ss what set them apart. Deal makers: Considering that all of theifr search tools and strategies have been carefully and their hunting has been persistent and it is not surprisinh these folkssecure interviews.
Thereinh lies the final challenge – convertiny that initial handshake intoa well-negotiated job This can be accomplished only by a candidate whosse content is well-calculated but never Their response time is immediate. Interviewinbg is the time to perform, neveer the time to ponder. In this market – and really for any covete job – there is alwayw talent with whomto compete. According to the Departmentt of Labor, job seekers outnumber job openings about fiveto one. To the well-preparef candidate, those odds are fine.

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